
Flawless King's Fall! (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Monday, October 05, 2015, 17:25 (3433 days ago) @ dogcow

I die all the time detonating the tainted ball of light. Last raid was much better tho'. :)

Raid spoilers below:

My raid team and I believe that there's a mechanic at work here - the "bombs" go off a fixed time after the first one is triggered. If you're late triggering your bomb, you won't have enough time to return and you'll die. We do a quick countdown so that the 4 members of the platform team enter and leave their bombs at the same time ("Enter your bomb in 3-2-1-now"*). There's a black circle on the ground around each bomb to indicate the trigger distance. It takes about 4 seconds inside the circle to trigger the bombs.

If your team isn't doing enough damage to Oryx, it's likely that you're not getting all 4 bombs triggered each round. I think an ideal Oryx kill looks like this:

4 bombs -> Airstrike
4 bombs -> Airstrike
4 bombs -> Thunderdome
4 bombs -> Thunderdome
4 bombs -> Final kill

* If you're calling out the bomb detonation, make sure to allow for the slight travel difference between the front team and the back team. If you're on the short side, start the 3-2-1 countdown after you get to your bomb. If you're on the long side, start the countdown as you're running so you get to "now" just as you reach your bomb. This is why it's important to kill the ogres as soon as they spawn - you want the bombs relatively equidistant with no chance that a guardian will accidentally trigger them. We also think it's possible for the knight to trigger them, btw.

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