
BWU is up... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, October 15, 2015, 23:03 (3376 days ago) @ Funkmon

No Trials this week, it seems... Thank the Shadowshot cheaters for that...

Also, Hard Raid is next week (the 23rd).

320 light gear? So once again raiding is the only way to advance. Because exotics sure don't drop at 320!

Didn't Luke say 300 was the max? Now we have 320 enemies.

Not sure how I feel about this.

You know exactly how you feel about this because I told you this was going to happen and you said what you thought. You think it's a huge blunder or some shit.

I think it is a blunder. I was expecting, from the talk of the hard mode being special, for the hard mode raid to be more challenging, and not just more difficult. Simply leveling up the enemies is the stupidest way to make to make a hard mode.

I'm hoping there are a few tricks up their sleeve.

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