
A Few Things (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, October 18, 2015, 03:46 (3420 days ago)
edited by Ragashingo, Sunday, October 18, 2015, 04:34

1. Dropping people into the middle of a Rumble match is complete insane. Of all the gametypes that might possibly benefit from Join In Progress, Rumble isn't one. I got dropped in, kicked serious ass, but couldn't overcome the 1000+ point lead the leader had on me. How the hell is that fair? Someone want to defend Join In Progress here? Yeah, I didn't think so.

2. Sunbreakers are just stupid overpowered. I had one take several Thunderlord rounds to the face while he killed an ally then turned and killed me. Had another one kill my bubble then me in there hammers then watched him use his next three to kill more people. Something seriously needs to be done both to nerf Sunbreakers and to give Defenders a Super that's actually... you know... "super."

3. That said, I had a pretty good run with my Defender during this Iron Banner. No Backup Plan is pretty awesome. Maybe it's just fine-frickin'-ly getting to use Force Barrier in the Crucible (as more than a random, once in a thousand encounters, fluke) but I actually felt running as a Defender was fairly viable. I've also been running Blessing of Light instead of Armor as I'm pretty well convinced trying to stay within the bubble is a death sentence. Instead I charge out at a funny angle and rely on my overshield to protect me. And, if I get the shotgun kill I get an even more powerful overshield! It works pretty well!

4. I had the most heartbreaking grenade throw where I was sure I finally would get to kill a Sunbreaker only to either miss with my Suppression grenade or the game decided that, nah, Sunbreakers aren't subject to the normal rules. It's actually really hard to tell. (No damage numbers from the Grenade I don't think, but I still think I got the bounce right... or should have...)

5. No video, unfortunately, but I had the most fantastic 10-kill Streak on the Dungeons map in one of the side tunnels near A or C. I can't even relate the whole thing, but it involved A shotgun kill leading to Force Barrier, whirling around and surviving a shotgun exchange with a sliver of health thanks to Force Barrier, saving myself from that with a Ward of Dawn and taking the fight to an enemy that thought he was going to wait me out, sprinting off as the heavy ammo appeared, pulling out Thunderlord and killing a close follower, returning to see an enemy take refuge in my Bubble.. except I could hear the bubble winding down so I just tore into it with Thunderlord catching him totally by surprise as his cover went away, then a few more kills as I helped defeat a counterattack on the control point. Nothing quick enough to get Shax all excited but still pretty awesome. And only something a Defender could have pulled off. :)

6. Speaking of Shax getting all excited: Almost took out 5 with a bubble and Thunderlord. Darn Golden Gun guy nailed me one bullet too soon! (Yep, Unoudid, that's where I took the lead. +895 for those kills moved me from 4th place at 2,270 to first at 3,165!)

7 Nirwen's Mercy, the Iron Banner Pulse Rifle, is pretty good. Got a drop with Life Support, Smallbore (which leaves it with a very healthy 30 rounds), and Third Eye. It's not as good as my Last Extremity or Hung Jury SR4 at long range but at midrange it is smooth and powerful. I think I've even gotten some two burst kills with it.

8. Just as dropping me into the middle of a Rumble match makes no sense, neither does having Iron Banner gear drop at anything less than 300. Remember when Bungie talked about realizing how it was bad that people would get Vault of Glass gear that they couldn't immediately equip because it had to be leveled first? This is that times ten! What the heck was I supposed to do with a 267 Titan Mark when I was already only barely hitting 294 with my best gear?? It's just bizarre, you know?

And with that I think I'm done with the Crucible for a while. Perhaps until Bungie fixes Shadowshot (saw five or so people cheating and reported them all to Bungie / Xbox Live) and does something about the Sunbreakers. (Honestly, just taking away the renewing health on a Super kill would be a limited action that I could live with...)

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