
So . . .The Force Awakens *New Trailer* (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 12:03 (3161 days ago)

Video embedded at the bottom of this post if you haven't seen it, yet.

I am so unbelievably hyped for this. This trailer absolutely gives me goosebumps, and it actually refrains from giving away the entire plot and best scenes (presumably), unlike most trailers these days.

The best part of the trailer is undoubted Han Solo replying to Rey's "There were stories about what happened."

"It's true. All of it. The Dark Side. The Jedi. They're real." Considering Han's position about "some ancient" religion at the beginning of Episode IV . . . it's pretty powerful to hear Han telling us about the Jedi.

It also goes to show just how little the general public know about what happened, probably even going as far back as Order 66 and before. They don't know anything about the Sith and Jedi. Palpatine was just some old guy that took control, and Vader was just his enforcer, and the Rebels were just rebels. They don't know anything about Sith and Jedi and the Force.

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