
Even though you don;t believe me.. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 14:47 (3417 days ago) @ TheeChaos

I did really well with it and completed it in my first match. Of course it was 6 in the morning, so all the try-hards were fast asleep.

I like the First Curse. I think it could definitely use a range and/or target aquisition buff. The problem is its slow rate of fire, low range, low stability. Essentially you have to be relatively close, and this puts you in prime range for shotguns, pulse rifles, anything really. The last word is great because its short range, high RoF. Hawkmoon is great because Hawkmoon. Overall I will say this is probably the least viable option as far as Exotic Hand Cannons in PvP. I still like it and will use it, but unless some changes come, it wont ever be on the level of Hawkmoon or TLW. These are all initial reactions to my 15 mins of gameplay, we will see if that changes this afternoon while I do my Shaxx weekly.

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I totally agree. The gun just isn't well designed. It hits hard, but not hard enough to 2-shot in PvP, so any 3-shot capable hand cannon will outperform it due to higher stability, range, target acquisition, bigger clip, etc. In PvE, it 1-shots the same things that every hand cannon 1-shots, and while it hits hard against bigger targets, you usually just pull out a shotgun or sniper rifle for those sorts of enemies. There's really no situation where you'll get a kill to activate the perk for more stability and then chain precision hits to get more bullets where Hung Jury won't completely outperform it.

Plus it locks out an exotic slot.

Despite having possibly the highest impact in the game for a hand cannon, the gun needs serious buffing.

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