
The math (Destiny)

by Durandal, Thursday, October 22, 2015, 11:35 (3416 days ago) @ dogcow

Lets say you only have one class. In a 6v6 matchup you will have 6 wins, and 6 losses for that class, and it counts as two matches (one for each team) , for a perfect 50% W/L.

This acts as a forcing function. Classes that are played more frequently have a higher chance of being on both the winning and losing team, so their W/L will be pushed to 50%. Infrequently used classes won't be paired against themselves, so they are not subject to that mechanism.

It really becomes noticeable when you have a class a breakdown like Sunbreaker/Defender. Odds are you won't see two defenders on opposite teams very often, if at all.

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