
What are your current favorite guns? (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, October 23, 2015, 03:50 (3415 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Oh boy...

PvP: Who cares? :P


Bad Juju: I use this for my Voidwalker pretty much exclusively unless I really need the exotic slot elsewhere. The things you can do with Bad Juju + Obsidian Mind (which I just bought the Y2 version of yesterday, finally) are fantastic.

Apple of Discord: Good backup pulse rifle when I can't use Bad Juju. Mine rolled with Headseeker + Feeding Frenzy + some stability perk, and a longe-range scope, so it's got good reach.

Telesto: Recent acquisition, but I like how it tears up Minotaurs. Those explosions hit hard! Plus it sounds amazing.

Thesan FR4: Great impact, enough to even stagger Minotaurs most of the time. This one gets a lot of use since I can't always spare an exotic slot for Telesto.

Ruin Wake: Since Destiny first came out, my favorite HMG was always Deviant Gravity. Sadly, that got left behind with Y2, but this one's a dead ringer, plus it has 1 more round in the mag. :)

Tlaloc: I don't usually run Scouts on my Warlock, but this thing has served my Sunsinger VERY nicely. It's a solid if unremarkable Scout Rifle in its normal state, but when your super's full the fire rate goes WAY up. I haven't counted frames or anything to compare, but to me it feels like MIDA-level fire rate, and with much higher impact. In short, a monster.

Ace of Spades: I was REALLY looking forward to this thing, because it's the Fatebringer/Devil You Know archetype, which has always been my favorite, and which I hadn't yet found one of in TTK. I just got it yesterday when I was finally able to rank my hunter up to 3 with Banshee (I'd been stockpiling blue hand cannons). Well, I am NOT disappointed. It feels just like TDYK/Fatebringer. It has 2 less rounds in the mag than those guns had in their heyday, but Maverick more than makes up for it in most encounters. It even has Truesight IS (my favorite) as default. I don't think I'll find a hand cannon I like more.

Stillpiercer: I don't know what the general feeling is on this thing, as I don't hear it mentioned much, but it's reasonably high impact (similar to an LDR 5001 or 1000-Yard Stare), and the scope seems to work exceptionally well for me, which is very important. I can't hit crap with most snipers, but this one works for me.

Truth: When has Truth ever not been good?

An Answering Chord: I've said it before, and I'll say it again: With the right perks (which the quest reward version has), this thing is very nearly a stat-for-stat match with Shadow Price/Vanquisher/Grim Citizen, AKA the very best of the Y1 legendary ARs.

Suros Regime: I've always loved this gun. Something about the way it sounds and feels just makes me happy, and the occasional health return always manages to kick in at just the right time to make my Titan feel invincible. So, when I finally got enough Legendary Marks to buy my first Y2 exotic blueprint, this was the first thing I went for. No regrets. It's still the king of the ARs in my book.

Paleocontact JPK-43: Very similar to Up For Anything from TDB. Mine rolled with Crowd Control, Armor Piercing Rounds, and Surrounded. A dream roll for hosing down trash mobs up close, and it's VERY good in that role.

Suros JLB-47: Picked this up from Banshee a week or two ago. Nearly maxed blast radius and velocity, plus grenades and horseshoes. Probably would be a great crucible launcher, but it's serving me well in PvE.

Last Extremity/Cocytus SR4: I was using Last Extremity a lot for a while. It's very similar to the old Badger CCL, which was my favorite long-range scout rifle from Y1. Mine rolled with a long-range scope, Army of One, and Life Support, plus some other meh perks I don't remember. Then a few days ago, amazingly I had a Cocytus SR4 drop, which is exactly the same gun but with higher stability and aim assist. This one also had Army of One and Life Support, but added extended mag (for 16 rounds instead of 12), and the SAME SCOPE. Unbelievably lucky, it just reproduced a gun I already loved, with a couple of improvements.

Boolean Gemini: I don't use it that much, but I really do love the way this thing handles.

Sleeper Simulant: I'll admit, I don't use it all the time, but wow is it satisfying when you land a couple of criticals. They really nailed the sound and feel. When it goes off, it really feels like whatever's on the other end is DOOMED.

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