In defense of those bastard Titans and their hammer. (Destiny)
First, I'm not about to defend the Sunbreaker by telling you that their super isn't as good as you think it is. It is, in fact, probably better than you think it, because players keep getting better at using it.
Instead, I'm going to defend it a different way. But before I do that, some background on myself.
I've always been a conservative player, and have preferred games that punished people that rushed in, and benefited those with a more methodical pace. See Quake 3 vs Halo for an example. Of course, it's also fine if a game supports both and balances them well, just don't expect me to play anything but Protoss.
Now we have Destiny, which while not being anything like Quake, still more often than not has good benefits for people that mindlessly rush towards the enemy. Unless some event is about to happen behind you (heavy amo, flag capture) it's generally a simple choice between sprinting forward to passage A or passage B. Besides environmental effects, there was historically one guardian induced event that would give you pause: the sound of a golden gun.
Fast forward to present day Destiny and playing with a team, and suddenly my fireteam is making frequent calls like:
"Golden gun on C"
"Stormcaller moving towards A"
"Sunbreaker on heavy amo"
With the only difference being that the sunbreaker call usually includes more expletives.
And you know what? I LOVE IT. I love that my team needs to communicate more. I love that there are supers that cause a change in plan or direction (Seeing a super .3 seconds before it kills you leaves little room to react). I love that if you charge headlong into the enemy all day, that you're now more likely to die to a super than you used to be. Yet conversely, if you're smart and have your ear to the ground and your team talks, it's now possible to avoid more supers than it used to be. Imagine facing a team full of Void Walkers and Strikers where the only way you avoid their super is if they miss. But the Sunbreaker, GG, and Stormcaller are all potentially avoidable because you hear them coming.
So, there is my defense of bastard Titans. The other defense that has been brought up as plausible is that the non-super game of some Gaurdians just isn't as good, and their super makes up for it. I'm okay if that's the case, and it wouldn't surprise me if Bungie comes out and says that, followed by a 0.0001% nerf just to make people shutup about it.
So what do you guys think? Do you think the dynamic of the game has improved, even if you think some of the supers are under/over powered? Or do you generally dislike these super-over-time abilities?
Earendil / Finwe of Noldor