
In defense of those bastard Titans and their hammer. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, October 23, 2015, 22:01 (3414 days ago) @ Earendil

Well, it's like this:

Striker, Voidwalker, Nightstalker: The supers fire and are done. Nothing to run from and no warning that their super is ready before it gets used. Once the quiver perk is fixed, treat nightstalkers just like golden gunners (just shoot them).

Defender: Just don't go in the bubble. I guess you can run from it, but it ain't exactly chasing you around corners.

Bladedancer: Why run when you have a shotgun? Alternately, why shotgun when you can outrun it?

Sunsinger: An argument can be made to run from one, but really they aren't that hard to kill, you have time to keep shooting after they stick you with the grenade, and the odds are a sunsinger is saving his super for longer than anyone else, so you run into them less often than sunbreakers.

Golden Gun: No point in running, he'll die from a shot to the dome just like any other man. Seriously, always shoot a GGer.

Stormcaller: I'd say to run from them, but they're faster than bladedancers and have a ranged attack, so you're pretty F'd. Shoot instead, they don't get much (any?) damage resistance and their health doesn't recharge.

Which leaves us with... Sunbreakers: Ranged attack, normal movement speed, high damage resistance, regenerating health, tracking shots, AoE dot... run like hell!!!


So yeah, I don't mind that running from a super is a viable strat, but Sunbreaker is the only super where running is the optimal strat. Also, it's grossly overpowered compared to other supers. Even stormcaller, which (with landfall) is like a striker titan that morphs into a faster bladedancer, is not nearly as overpowered as a sunbreaker.

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