Thanks for the review (Gaming)

by Oholiab @, Monday, October 26, 2015, 13:42 (3115 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Some background: I love Halo CE - Reach, not crazy about Halo 4. I like a challenge, so I play almost exclusively on Heroic or Legendary. I play an even mix of Campaign and Multiplayer. I don't really have a favorite Halo game; there are aspects of each that stand out to me. But if I had to pick one, I think Reach offered the best "total package".

This is very similar to how I feel, though I definitely play Halo games for the story first and foremost.

I was reading some reviews earlier today that had me worried about the story. Perhaps you can answer this: Is it true that you play as Locke for 80% of the campaign? Is that as disappointing as it sounds?

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