
*OT The other E3 games

by Grizzlei ⌂ @, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 18:02 (4193 days ago) @ Mr Daax
edited by Grizzlei, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 18:52

Destiny - I'm not going to explain myself.
Metal Gear Solid V - Okay I might have to with this one. I've been a fan since the PS1 days and I can't seem to shake my addiction. But it's a nice addiction. I think Kiefer Sutherland can bring a lot to a portrayal of Naked Snake. His voice may seem out of whack but his talent as a performer more than suits him for the trials of a complicated man. Open world gameplay excites me plenty. I foresee myself spending weeks in this game. Oh and sniper boobs. I will probably cosplay as Quiet...or Code Talker.
Kingdom Hearts III - We've waited far too fucking long. THANK YOU I LOVE YOU SQUARE ENIX!
Halo 2014 - Dem cloaks
Mirror's Edge - I rather enjoy jumping to my death in a gorgeous city.
Final Fantasy XV - Did you really need a name change? Well, anyhoo, I love more action-based FF tales. The more contemporary setting is a nice contrast to its very rustic aesthetic.
Sunset Overdrive - Because "Why the fuck not" is usually fun. Colors are nice.
World of Tanks - I loved it on PC, but I don't play with any friends. Who's going to join me? PLEASE?!
World of Warships - DRADIS CONTACT! Japanese battleship, bearing 117, carom 087
Project Spark and Knack - They look like fun, simple, and cute games. I want more of these in my collection.
Infamous: Second Sun - I want it because I can see my house. But Seattle really isn't all that gloomy.
Crimson Dragon - Because Dragoons
Mad Max - I believed this to be Destiny at first. Both bleak, desolate lands filled with rich characters. I expect this game to be nothing but ridiculous post-apocalyptic fun.
Transistor - I can't imagine Supergiant doing anything bad.
Forza Motorsport 5 - I only buy these games to humiliate sexist asshats by winning.
Killzone: Shadow Fall - Interesting dynamic they've introduced between the Space Americans and Space Nazis with a Space Iron Curtain. Looks retry, there's colorful shrubbery, and I need to kill someone in space on my new PS4.
The Division - Might be fun. Looks pretty and social intensive. I like that. Can't be as terrible as previous Tom Clancy games.
Titanfall - Mechanized Infantry at its finest. Plus it's the closest we'll get to an Attack on Titan game for awhile.
X - More mechs. Too bad I don't have a Wii U.
Quantum Break - I dunno what this is but I'm excited.
The Crew - I dunno. It's fun?
Watch Dogs - I will thoroughly enjoy this dickery simulator.
Star Wars Battlefront - Eight years. Eight long ass motherfucking years. Finally! :)
Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefront 4 - I'll buy these for my boyfriend and probably won't play much of them myself. These two games have such a pretentious storyline. Emphasis on special forces over regular joes is rather boring. Needless to say, the multiplayer is still always a blast when you find yourself in a good match.

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