Calling all 360 AND Xbone Guardians! (DBO)

by Oholiab @, Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 00:54 (3334 days ago)

That's right - after a lot of hard work by Junior and his brother (along with some matching funds from some old guy), the Oholiab clan has joined the Xbone ranks. Well, almost - Destiny is going to be installing for a while...

We're looking forward to playing both with good friends on the 360 and new friends on the Xbone. Our gamertags are shared:

Oholiab: Senior (deadeye hunter, all PvE) and our youngest (a warlock the likes of which you've never seen - no really, there's no optimization whatsoever, just a pure joy of shooting stuff). I'm usually online during the weekends and maybe some late evenings.

OholiabII: Junior (a classic titan - PvE and PvP) and Miss Oholiab (a beautiful huntress but not that into Destiny these days). Junior is online almost daily for a half hour after school and loves to play Crucible.

"Keep it clean" (relatively)

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