
About Halo 5 (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Friday, October 30, 2015, 13:27 (3407 days ago) @ unoudid

  • still getting used to the grip/using the paddles. They ARE pretty sensitive but I think it's so that you don't have to hold the controller that tightly to register input
  • already have had a few one on ones where I used every paddle to great effect and it's been weird changing where I'm looking while jumping, sliding, picking up ammo, and switching weapons
  • using it with Halo 5 makes you feel like a god
  • occasionally my hands freak out and I throw a grenade instead of jumping and it's confusing because I've never done bumper jumper, my hand just really goes off on it's own.

Once I figure out that crouch in Destiny =/= couch in Halo 5 I'll be good. I kept boosting into things last night instead of crouching lol.

I'm still getting used to being able to aim/reload/etc... while jumping. I notice I'll flick the thumbstick too hard to look/aim while in air because I am used to having to make up that little bit of time between hitting a button and aiming.

It would be nice if you could assign a macro so you could use a single button for using supers. I understand that would give an unfair advantage in general to be able to use macros. I think with some advanced mapping you could achieve a normal layout with a one button super on a paddle.

I thought that "Jumper" in Destiny moves your super to X

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