Weapons on display
DattoDoesDestiny has an interesting video highlighting some of the guns Bungie is showing off outside the theater.
The crazy looking custom weapons gives me a big PSO vibe.
Closing time, red death, these names will not get old
The Norse mythology theme continues…
So, after Mjolnir we have Gjallarhorn, ‘a mystical horn blown at the onset of Ragnarök’.
The Norse mythology theme continues…
Not really the word I had in mind, but it made me laugh. :)
The Norse mythology theme continues…
Several days of sleep deprivation have me functioning semi on autopilot. I hit submit before I'd even re-read what I wrote. I don't know what part of my subconscious thought that ‘funky’ was the most appropriate adjective, but I guess somewhere back there my mind thinks vikings are like the dark ages’ disco warriors. I'm just going to have to run with it.
I need a gif of disco vikings
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Weapons on display
These weapon designs are superb.
I <3 Duke MK. 44!!!
Incoming gif
Ask and the internet shall provide
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Weapons on display
There's also the FWC logo on the Conduit F3:
I wander if this is simply the brand of the weapon, from a purely world-building standpoint - just guns sporting faction and manufacturer logos? Or maybe some guns follow a similar trend to Borderlands, in the sense that certain factions/manufacturer guns may share similarities. Perhaps Fusion Weaponry is FWCs speciality.
It could then again just be a skin, applied to display allegiance, in the same way one would apply camo. Or just a unique weapon that happens to bare a faction logo, and I'm digging too deep.
Hmmm... and what if factions granted access to ever-so-slight tweaks towards certain guns, adding perhaps an exclusive block in the skill tree? I guess it could be a combination of these things, too. Thoughts?