
I Hate Fighting Oryx. (Destiny)
No... Not in the Raid. It the ******* mission. Somehow I waltzed through it the first time AND THEN NEVER AGAIN. I hate the enemies he throws at me. I hate his draining of light which removes an important Deatiny mechanic. I hate the way he eventually endlessly spams hand blasts and I absolutely hate his sword attack once he transports you. Sometimes I dodge it and other times it outright kills but mostly it bounces me to death off the side of the enclosed arena. AND THE CHECKPOINT IS BACK AT THE HAND PLAST SPAM POINT.
What am I missing that makes this mission fair and doable instead of an intensely frustrating crap shoot that loads me back into the most annoying part of the battle again and again??

I Hate Fighting Oryx.
No... Not in the Raid. It the ******* mission. Somehow I waltzed through it the first time AND THEN NEVER AGAIN. I hate the enemies he throws at me. I hate his draining of light which removes an important Deatiny mechanic. I hate the way he eventually endlessly spams hand blasts and I absolutely hate his sword attack once he transports you. Sometimes I dodge it and other times it outright kills but mostly it bounces me to death off the side of the enclosed arena. AND THE CHECKPOINT IS BACK AT THE HAND PLAST SPAM POINT.
I thought it was a pretty good, challenging boss fight that made me work for the win... the first time. :) Definitely not a very replayable sequence.
What am I missing that makes this mission fair and doable instead of an intensely frustrating crap shoot that loads me back into the most annoying part of the battle again and again??
I'm guessing the thing you're missing, like me most of time, is two other Guardians.

My hate grew even more when I played it on my alts
It's really retarded that you can't damage him outside the dome but that's how you kill his shadow or w/e in the raid. All past DLC had story missions which were a play on raid mechanisms, but this just borrowed the environment and turned it into a one sided cage match
It's a long, drawn out, not fun 'boss' fight. It seems like too much of TTK was designed around people playing with others when there are explicit solo missions and Y1 didn't seem to suffer from the same balancing issues w.r.t. doing a mission solo or co-op

My hate grew even more when I played it on my alts
You know, if Bungie had designed Hard Mode Oryx FIRST, then easied it up for normal mode, they would have had the shade fight act that way in the raid. Then we also wouldn't simply have things like extra knights, removal of platforms, and obviously tacked on attacks for warpriest and Golgoroth.
If only they had done that.

Contrary opinion time
I liked it. It was a real goddamn fight, like the last mission in the real game. I would say they are equal in difficulty until you get the tricks. I don't like hard shit, but I think some difficulty leads to it feeling important. I was able to solo the mission on the first day of release on heroic, and it was a beast, but I felt accomplished. There's not much of a place to hide and no good way to get out of it. If you beat him, it's cause you really beat him.
You know, I did the daily (the one where you do the Taken themed house of kings mission) while the raid team was doing the jumping puzzles last Wednesday. I was able to run through and just machine gun the boss in like 40 seconds. Then I beat Morpheus's speedrun time of the tunnels mission later in 3:40. These missions are fun, but they don't feel like events.
Beating Oryx felt like an EVENT. A long mission in a unique arena is a great way to make it feel like that. And the multi staged nature of the fight was part of it, as well.

The trick to beating Oryx is...
wait for it... Gjallarhorn. It rips him up. Even with the nerf and level disadvantage, it's the best way to dish out the damage. It almost trivializes the whole encounter.
Now the daily heroic version of the mission is another story. That's a brutal, exhausting fight on heroic. I don't bother doing it unless I'm running it with 1 or 2 other guardians.

Also amazing for soloing the Taken Champions in patrol
It was basically the only way I got through that part of the Taken War quests.

wait for it... Gjallarhorn. It rips him up. Even with the nerf and level disadvantage, it's the best way to dish out the damage. It almost trivializes the whole encounter.
on my first playthrough of TTK, i beat Oryx with Gally, Messenger, The Ram, and Trials gear.
I Hate Fighting Oryx.
I've only done this mission solo with my lone Hunter character. On my first play through when TTK launched I was able to beat him while wearing the Celestial helm and letting him have it with the Golden Gun. It took a long time and the cut scene at the end was pretty disappointing for the amount of time and effort spent.
The first time it was a Daily Heroic, I could not finish. I tried using all three subclasses of my Hunter, and just couldn't get it done when he would charge in with the sword. I finally put the controller down and walked away grumbling about legendary marks not being worth it.
The recent time it came up again as a Daily Heroic I mopped the floor with him via the Void Exotic Sword using the hurricane of death right trigger move. The time-consuming and miserable Relic Iron grind and even worse 1 bow instead of 3 while that perk was disabled Void kills was worth it. Without the Exotic Sword, I don't think I would have the patience to finish the last part of the level. My Hunter's light was not all that much different but the Sword made all the difference.

I Hate Fighting Oryx.
The first time it was a Daily Heroic, I could not finish. I tried using all three subclasses of my Hunter, and just couldn't get it done when he would charge in with the sword.
Warlock jump FTW. Just safely glide away before he slams.

Contrary opinion time
...and the pushback on the sword misses is ridiculous and the final checkpoint is in a stupid place. I'm all for the rest of the mission but those two things ruin it for me.

The trick to beating Oryx is...
Now the daily heroic version of the mission is another story. That's a brutal, exhausting fight on heroic. I don't bother doing it unless I'm running it with 1 or 2 other guardians.
Pretty sure that mission was the daily heroic when Raga posted. And yeah... sucktacular.

Contrary opinion time
Totally agree on both points. The physics impulse is a bit much. Sometimes you can put all possible effort into dodging his swing - meaning start moving early, and move as fast as you can - and it still flings you into a wall and you die. And I don't understand why the checkpoint is at the earlier fight stage instead of inside that little walled arena. I have noticed that at least Oryx doesn't go back to full health when you get sent back there, so it's apparently partway through that stage.

I'm all right with it. *shrug*
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I'm not. *bigger shrug*
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The trick to beating Oryx is...
Amusingly, it was the day after. I did it heroic day with my Defender using Dark-Drinker. Cake walk. You just block then slice and dice.

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I Hate Fighting Oryx.
When it's the Daily Heroic(like in your case) 85% of the time I just skip it. Bungie puts me on double Famine--no ammo for anything, ever. And Oryx manages to be so "pro" with his Grasp of the King--unless it's specifically my luck, he only drains my light the millisecond I have to reload, making it a true pain in the butt! The Taken Phalanxes are quite possibly invincible, too many Captains show up in the inverted altar phase, the aforementioned sword flying thing...It's no use.
The most ironic thing though, is when I'm using the shotgun/melee combo, Oryx will sometimes(like in this case specifically)miss me entirely, giving me more than ample opportunity to deal some serious damage to him.
I understand it's not foolproof, but (at least for me) it's more reward than risk.
At some point, I'll put together a strategy to beat Oryx Heroic as painlessly as possible. But most of the time, I just do normal.