Red leader coming in! *VID* (Gaming)

by TheeChaos @, Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 11:02 (3085 days ago)

In a Galaxy far far away....

A rebel unit has attempted the siege of an outpost on the planet abismal planet of Sullust with hopes of getting a foothold on the outer rim. The battle was long and enduring, many rebels had lost their lives for a seemingly lost battle. Fatigue had set in, many were lost to thirst on the scolding hot planet. Admist all this smoke and chaos, a new hero emerges....

With their backs against the searing lava, the rebels had one AT-AT closing in. The time passed, the time came, the Y-wings were inbound in seconds! Just a few more steps and the giant steel machine would surely destroy the ship, along with the hope of the rebel unit. Against all odds, one rebel stepped forward. Accepting his demise was imminent, he boarded the T-47 Airspeeder. The words of Jedi Master Yoda echoed "Do or do not, There is no try".....

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