
Crazy RNG is Crazy *video* (Destiny)
Anyone who's completed an Exotic Sword quest knows what a pain in the butt it is to grind the materials portion of the quest. You need to spend hours collecting planetary materials with the hopes of finding 10 pieces of a special hidden material. This special material has an insanely low drop rate. You typically need to find about 20 planetary materials per drop. It took me almost 3 hours of material farming to prep my Void sword, and about 2.5 hours for my Solar sword.
This morning I decided to start farming Spinmetal for my Arc sword. After 20 minutes with no results, this happened:
Without a doubt, the most insane bit of RNG luck I've ever had in Destiny.
Of course, this was followed by 10 more minutes without finding anything, so it quickly balanced out :)
Crazy RNG is Crazy *video*
Yea my luck is pretty terrible. I have spent about 1 hour, gotten 40% of my Void kills but not a single material piece! These grinds are why I have all but stopped playing this game. It's getting clear they just want to have the # of hours played and don't care if the hours are worth playing.
Crazy RNG is Crazy *video*
I have yet to do anything with my secondary swords. I have the Bolt-Caster. One thing that did help me was using my sniper rifle. If you have the material finder perk on a ghost, then zoom in with a sniper, you can pretty much see all of the materials in your area. This saved me a ton of time once I found it out. It also works with just ADS for different weapons, with the range being the determining factor I believe.
Still, Jealous.