Shoutout to DBO (DBO)

by Oholiab @, Sunday, August 26, 2018, 08:51 (2384 days ago)

I believe the Solstice of Heroes has brought out the best of this community.

It’s been fun to see all the posts asking for help with various moments, and then to see the community respond. Not only is this community willing and able to help one another with the achievements, but members are enthusiastic about doing so!

I and my clan (small c) have certainly benefited greatly from this camaraderie: in the last several weeks we found helpers for the raid, EP, and Whisper. The attitude of those participating is never begrudging, even though for many they have no rewards left to receive.

Thanks to everyone for making DBO a great place!


by Claude Errera @, Sunday, August 26, 2018, 10:09 (2384 days ago) @ Oholiab

I believe the Solstice of Heroes has brought out the best of this community.

It’s been fun to see all the posts asking for help with various moments, and then to see the community respond. Not only is this community willing and able to help one another with the achievements, but members are enthusiastic about doing so!

I and my clan (small c) have certainly benefited greatly from this camaraderie: in the last several weeks we found helpers for the raid, EP, and Whisper. The attitude of those participating is never begrudging, even though for many they have no rewards left to receive.

Thanks to everyone for making DBO a great place!

Last night, I watched Nevin come in and join us for Hobo's first Leviathan raid when Kermit had to leave, stick with us through some rough psion bouncing, finish the raid even though you were waiting for him, help you to get Whisper, and then come BACK, even though it meant zero sleep, to help Rellekh get HER Whisper. Amazing.

(lol - I guess this turned into a shoutout to Nevin, instead of DBO - but Hobo's raid was another perfect example of folks helping out folks grab that thing they need, so... yeah. Seconded. :) )



by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Sunday, August 26, 2018, 10:33 (2384 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I believe the Solstice of Heroes has brought out the best of this community.

It’s been fun to see all the posts asking for help with various moments, and then to see the community respond. Not only is this community willing and able to help one another with the achievements, but members are enthusiastic about doing so!

I and my clan (small c) have certainly benefited greatly from this camaraderie: in the last several weeks we found helpers for the raid, EP, and Whisper. The attitude of those participating is never begrudging, even though for many they have no rewards left to receive.

Thanks to everyone for making DBO a great place!

Last night, I watched Nevin come in and join us for Hobo's first Leviathan raid when Kermit had to leave, stick with us through some rough psion bouncing, finish the raid even though you were waiting for him, help you to get Whisper, and then come BACK, even though it meant zero sleep, to help Rellekh get HER Whisper. Amazing.

(lol - I guess this turned into a shoutout to Nevin, instead of DBO - but Hobo's raid was another perfect example of folks helping out folks grab that thing they need, so... yeah. Seconded. :) )

It’s always a pleasure to play and have fun with such a great group of people :)


Counterpoint: Cruel abandoned the clan and even his own name

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Monday, August 27, 2018, 07:34 (2383 days ago) @ Claude Errera

(I assume Cruel will take this as the joke it was, but here's a disclaimer just to make sure I don't wreck the hugbox)



by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, August 27, 2018, 07:44 (2383 days ago) @ Vortech

(I assume Cruel will take this as the joke it was, but here's a disclaimer just to make sure I don't wreck the hugbox)

“Wreck the hugbox” is gonna be the name of my next punk band



by Robot Chickens, Sunday, August 26, 2018, 12:28 (2384 days ago) @ Oholiab

- No text -



by Morpheus @, High Charity, Sunday, August 26, 2018, 18:08 (2384 days ago) @ Oholiab

Solstice has done pretty well in bringing us together. I've never seen so many raids going on! I wish I could've joined, but my controller's being worthless so I'm mute for the time being until I get a new one. But at least Fantom has been able to help me out on multiple occasions!

Just barely got enough for the T-Shirt. I think I'm going to buy it again(ugh!). But it's actually been nice.

It sucked not being able to infuse the armor into anything(Bungie, just....), but since it raised my power level so high, the rewards I normally get are much higher now, which I highly appreciate!


Solstice Postmortem

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Monday, August 27, 2018, 07:59 (2383 days ago) @ Oholiab

Yeah. I love the community-activation effect solstice has had too. I also have really enjoyed that it made me go back and do a bunch of stuff I never really new was in the game. I have been kicking these thoughts around for a couple weeks so forgive a bit of thread-splintering.

Hunting down the region chests brought me to cool corners of the map that I had never seen because in D2 I can just fast travel everywhere and I had no dead ghosts to hunt for. The loot from the chests were so inconsequential so early in the game that I had not bothered finding them until I had to do it for solstice. The activities and story didn't ever bring me to these detailed environments I had totally missed out on.

Finding the latent memories had a similar effect for Mars (I didn't know the map is a big circle. I knew that within days on D1 Earth because I was taking my sparrow everywhere. I've really grown to think fast travel is a huge mistake, but that's probably best put in a separate post?)

Until I was told to get Sagira's ghost shell I didn't know how much content in the Osiris expansion I had missed out on. I thought everything after the campaign was just a pseudo-random dungeon engine, and having not enjoyed the homogeneity in the campaign and not having anyone who asked me to join them in doing the adventures I had effectively no understanding of what the game even was trying to offer me.

Researching these Solstice things led me to other discoveries of huge chunks of content I was missing, like the sleeper simulant quest line. I literally had no idea that stuff was in there.

I'm not sure why I was so unaware of all this stuff in the game I play more than any other. Part of it might be decreased posting on DBO, but I also would have zero surprise if people linked me to multiple threads about this stuff. I read almost all of the bungie updates, but I think Bungie wants you to find this stuff organically in the game. I didn't. The separate quest items page is a good start. Maybe something that would have designated those tasks as something special in the director checklist so I didn't just dismiss it as something that wouldn't help me level up so I could become welcome on a raid.

For sure some of it is a negative spiral where I didn't have as many people on doing activities, so I didn't hear from them about the existence of those activities, so I logged on less because it didn't feel like there was stuff I could do they didn't have as many people online doing things, so they didn't…

As much as I hate to say it, I think part of it is also the drop in Destiny twitch streaming compared to D1. I used to have some Destiny stream on while I was cooking or something and I think I probably picked up the fact that there were these sort of activities to do from having that as background noise.

A bunch of this is also probably attributable to the fact that I chose Xbox to do all my solstice work on, despite being further along on PS4 at the start. Having a list of people active is hugely motivating. No surprise to anyone, there, I'm sure, but it's worth noting both as a reminder that this should be Bungie's highest design goal and as a thank you to the xbox DBO community who have helped me out over the past 2 weeks.

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