Lighthouse. No Pressure. (Destiny)
Well. It's about, darned, TIME! And I didn't even have an Economics Exam! So get this... there I was. It's 10 months and change ago. It's Season of the Hunted. Bungie is... well, I don't remember, but Trials was happenin' see? One of those "testing" modes. One where, instead of kills only, you get a king of the hill modifier. AND you know what I do? I figure, at the very least, I'll just grind though it abit, get some shiny something or other. You know, 'cause it's not like I'm going to go flawless with randoms? Right? RIGHT!?!? SO... uh... hmmmm... about that.
May I present, after months of on-again off-again editing...
Pretty cool, right!? :D
Make sure you stay till the end, too. Pretty fancy right?! Y'all I was lose'n it on this day. Just... could not comprehend the day. It all just went so right, which, gotta say... kinda nice.
Anyway, the next bit here is the "companion" for it. It's... nothing fancy. It's just for folks who want to see what they might never see, cause, I mean... gotta tell ya, the drip is a real vibe. It, really surprised me. I'm fairly certain folks behaved around me differently, especially in PvP with it on. It was real weird. Like they thought I knew what I was doing or something.
So... that was fun. Again, nothing fancy here. Quite skippable.