
How to beat this week's strike (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 21:49 (3523 days ago)
edited by Cody Miller, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 22:06

I failed pretty hard the first time I tried this. I was level 22, and my partners were each level 20. I wouldn't even try it at level 22. Be more like 23/24.

Things to note:

1. You do not revive automatically, a team mate MUST revive you.
2. Arc damage is more powerful ( you can take maybe 4-5 hits from a fallen before dying).

Things you need:

1. Ammo Packs for heavy / secondary
2. Arc damage HMGs, Snipers, and fusion rifles.

If you are a titan, switching to defender is helpful since you can place a ward of dawn with blessing light around an ally's ghost to stay safe while reviving them.

If you are a hunter, choose blade dancer only if you have hungering blade and vanish. Otherwise you will die when using your super.

The toughest room is the room with the lasers. If you stay back into the cave area and take out any fallen snipers first, then the captains, it's much easier. Ideally you'll have an arc sniper or a scout rifle. You should always let the Hive and Fallen duke it out to thin them out. The Devil Walker and Sepkis Prime are about the same, but you just need to pay much more attention to the regular enemy spawns. Definitely take out the little gun on top of the devil walker. Maybe have someone dedicated to that. Arc damage HMGs work great on those bosses.


How to beat this week's strike

by GrizzNKev, Down the street from Microsoft, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 00:57 (3523 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I just finished. My team was 22, 21, and 20. Communication was key. We didn't wipe at all after the part with the waves.

BOOM, roasted.

by NotTheVacuum, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 04:27 (3523 days ago) @ GrizzNKev

- No text -

Bosses - general observations and strategies (SP?)

by scarab @, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 02:29 (3523 days ago) @ Cody Miller

This is more of a critique of the boss fights that we have seen so far. I think I've played all the strikes now.

In general all the boss fights are the same. What I mean is: there is a small set of boss behaviours and attacks. Once you know them then you can generalize about them. Of course there are differences but the differences seem to be quantitative (they differ in the amounts that a boss does X as opposed to: some bosses do X, some do Q, and some to W and M).

Because there is a small set of Boss behaviours there is a small set of strats to deal with them.

I don't want to give spoilers so I wont mention individual bosses except for the bosses in the (Sepkis?) Prime strike.

If you are uncomfortable with even that amount of detail then bail out now!

If you have never played that strike and have never watched it on twitch or youtube and you want to remain unspoiled then stop reading.

OK, I will list some observations and then I will list some strats that are based on those observations. I will number each observation and may refer to them by number when I mention a strat that is based on those observations.


(1) Bosses don't move much - some move more than others but they stick to a limited area

(2) Some bosses teleport but...

(3) Bosses telegraph their moves (good game design)

(4) If you get too close to a boss then they will deal massive area of effect damage

(5) Bosses concentrate on one player at a time and take time to retarget

(6) You attract a boss' attention by dealing damage to the boss

(7) Bosses can be slow to turn

(8) There are waves of boss support NPCs and the waves ramp up over time

(9) Support NPCs often drop ammo

(10) Bosses have highly lethal attacks - some are one hit kills

(11) Bosses often have weak spots


Make use of cover. see: (10)

Try to spread out to take advantage of: (5) (7) When the boss is targeting player 1 then players 2 and 3 generally have free hits. You may also be able to lay down damage on a boss even when you know it is turning to attack you if the boss turns slowly enough. So observe the boss to see how fast it turns.

When a boss targets you: take cover or MOVE. see (10) What you have to assess is how much spread and damage a boss' attack has. Cover doesn't always save you from a spider tank shell. It has massive splash damage!

Note: spider tanks are committed to a shell launch. It never changes its mind once that laser shines and it doesn't move the laser to track targets. So MOVE when you see it target you.

Lay down heavy damage at all times. Aim to kill the boss fast. (8) (11) This one is obvious but supporting NPC attacks can distract you from this and, as the waves will ramp up... you can get into a spiral of doom where you are spending most of your time trying to survive increasingly deadly waves and you forget about the boss.

There are two strats:

1) find a place where NPCs can't reach you and pour damage into the boss to kill it quick.
2) have two players defend a Damage Dealer. The DD keeps on damaging the boss. The other two mop up the NPCs then return to boss damaging. Note (9) supporting NPCs drop ammo so farm them.

Keep your guys alive. You need guns putting damage into the boss. A dead player can't do that. I know it takes time to revive a player but it is generally worth it.

There are two parts to keeping your guys alive: 1) don't do stupid things that get you killed. 2) revive your guys as fast as possible. Keep an eye out for dead guardian markers on your HUD.

If you die too close to a boss then I may decide not to try to revive you.

If there are two guardians down then it depends on my mood. The sensible thing to do is to make sure the last guardian survives. But, sometimes, I like the challenge and will try to rescue one.

When reviving a colleague remember (5) (6) (7). The player furthest from the fallen guardian should attract the boss' attention whilst the other survivor resurrects the fallen.

Don't forget your grenades damage bosses. Most people don't even seem to consider this. You want to kill that boss fast so you want to pour on damage. Use grenades! The biggest thing here is to remember to use them.

If you don't need them to tackle the supporting NPCs or if you know you have enough time before the next wave then: watch your grenade meter and estimate if the boss is about to move soon. If the boss is about to move then let him. If you know he will be stationary then throw the grenade.

Note: if you hit a boss then the grenade will stick to 'the air' not the boss. The boss can move away from the grenade after the boss has been 'hit' by it but if you have an area of effect grenade then it can still do damage. Assess how far and how fast a particular boss moves.

As a final comment about grenades. Don't forget about them! :-)

Learn your boss. This is observation and reflection.

Things to look out for...

How often does it move? How far? Can you tell when a boss it about to move? To stop?

Look out for the things that telegraph it's intentions. Bungie has done a good job of telegraphing their bosses' moves. An evil laugh generally preceeds a teleport attack. If you think you will be the target: MOVE!

All these fights have a tempo to them: time between NPC waves, how long it takes for boss to turn, how long you hold its attention. Learn the tempo.

There are other quirks a boss may have. For example: the spider tank is committed to it's shell launch but will cancel a blue guided 'plasma thingy' attack if you simply stop shooting. You can stand in plain sight and it will loose interest and concentrate on someone else. It may be faster to stop shooting, reload whilst waiting until it starts turning on someone else, then start shooting again. That may be faster than running for cover.

Other comments:

I didn't mention, "keep your distance" as a strat because maybe your mileage may vary. I don't think it's worth it because of (4). I also tend to avoid trying to resurrect a guardian who died right next to a boss (for the same reason). But I didn't make it a strat as other people may enjoy the danger of living on the edge and pushing the limits. I am more cautious but that's me. Just remember that not only are your courting death; you may also be facing a long wait until you can re-spawn yourself.

The danger is fun: the wait is not.

My biggest learning difficulty when starting a brand new raid is: finding the way to the boss. Experienced players race ahead and if you loose them then it can be hard to catch up. You may arrive a minute late for the action.

Anyway, i hope this helps or acts a a seed for comments. You can add your own observations or strats in your replies. (If there are any :-) )

Slow is smooth; smooth is fast

by NotTheVacuum, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 05:02 (3523 days ago) @ scarab

Not exactly spoilers, but strategy is discussed in a way that is somewhat specific.

Don't get sloppy or greedy; in that extra half-second of poking out of cover when you've pulled agro, a direct boss hit could down you. That costs your team several seconds of damage dealing, plus giving up position and time to revive you. These fights are meant to take discipline and tactics, and going lone wolf will be punished.

One other thing: in some encounters, hanging back and picking off enemies at a distance will be severely punished. I think this is exquisite game design; that tactic is a bit too simple and obvious, so I'm glad Bungie discouraged it. If you haven't seen this, you'll know it when you do. Be brave.

Slow is smooth; smooth is fast

by scarab @, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 06:09 (3523 days ago) @ NotTheVacuum

Don't get sloppy or greedy; in that extra half-second of poking out of cover when you've pulled agro, a direct boss hit could down you. That costs your team several seconds of damage dealing, plus giving up position and time to revive you.

Yes, timing is everything and you have to judge how far you can push it. Usually the answer is, "not very far at all" :-)

But I am a cautious player. I haven't tried more aggressive play. I have seen players getting in the bosses' faces and they seem to do OK(ish). It would be nice if an aggressive player could chime in with their experiences of the aggressive play style.

Damage dealt by weapons does increase as you get closer but I don't know how much extra damage is dealt at 20 feet away. Never been there for some bosses, never hung around to find out. So I don't know if it is worth getting up close.

These fights are meant to take discipline and tactics, and going lone wolf will be punished.

I think so. But I also like reviving people. The Strikes do go better when everybody understands the basics. OTOH it can be fun carrying new players - more of a test of my abilities and everybody is a beginner some time.

One other thing: in some encounters, hanging back and picking off enemies at a distance will be severely punished. I think this is exquisite game design; that tactic is a bit too simple and obvious, so I'm glad Bungie discouraged it. If you haven't seen this, you'll know it when you do. Be brave.

Hanging around in the entrance is usually punished by waves of high level enemies or other (unspecified spoiler avoiding) dangers. I don't know if saying that is a major spoiler. The worst I've done is deprive a player of the chance to die once in order to learn never to do it again :-)


In the alpha I joined a game in progress where the players had become stuck in the entrance hall. Sepkis Prime was bombarding the entrance opening and waves of extremely high enemies were attacking from both ends of the entrance corridor.

I tried to help out but it was impossible. This was at the very end of the alpha and I'm sure that Bungie was experimenting with upping the enemy strengths to see how we'd fare. As an example: I would use my Titan super, smash into a group of Fallen and even the Dregs didn't die. (not an exaggeration)

Anyway, I managed to complete the strike by jumping like a loon until I got out of the corridor, running to cover far from the corridor and the waves of enemies running to it - then I pounded SP until he died (it didn't take long).

So I guess that some people would have taken ages to work out the no-hiding-in-the-entrance lesson.


Slow is smooth; smooth is fast

by TTL Demag0gue ⌂ @, Within the shadow of the Traveler, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 06:39 (3523 days ago) @ scarab

So I guess that some people would have taken ages to work out the no-hiding-in-the-entrance lesson.

I never did. I just thought it was part of how the Strike worked. (So I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes.) Halcylon actually mentioned to me -- after the third time he got run over by Fallen Captains -- that tougher baddies spawn if you try to take cover in the entrance of the boss' lair. Haven't made that mistake since.


Slow is smooth; smooth is fast

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 06:57 (3523 days ago) @ scarab

It would be nice if an aggressive player could chime in with their experiences of the aggressive play style.

Aggressive Titan here. I die a lot.

To be fair, my character is still very fresh. If I had all of the stats on my armor and weapons correctly tweaked to give me more melees and supers (like I want), then I'd be more successful. But as of now, I tend to be the guy on the Strike that's constantly needing revived :)

Once I unlock the defender class, I think I'll try that out to see how aggressiveness holds up. I'd like to shoot for the perk that gives you temporary shields and roll with a sweet shotgun so that I can stay in close, and use my own shield as both a quick power-up and a "wall" in front of the enemies so that my teammates have more cover from afar.


Slow is smooth; smooth is fast

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 08:03 (3523 days ago) @ scarab

Yes, timing is everything and you have to judge how far you can push it. Usually the answer is, "not very far at all" :-)

But I am a cautious player. I haven't tried more aggressive play. I have seen players getting in the bosses' faces and they seem to do OK(ish). It would be nice if an aggressive player could chime in with their experiences of the aggressive play style.

I'm not generally a very aggressive player, but when I do get in the mood to get all up in their faces, the key has been to double jump backwards as soon as my health bar goes about halfway down and keep double jumping and/or sprinting away until I am safe and recharged. I also usually only go aggro like that when I'm about to use my super or my heavy machine gun and just unload it on anything that moves. :-)


Bosses - general observations and strategies (SP?)

by CommandrCleavage @, USA-Midwest, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 05:35 (3523 days ago) @ scarab

I love my grenades <3

Are you a Hunter?

by scarab @, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 06:17 (3523 days ago) @ CommandrCleavage

Some of the things I said about grenades are really for damage-over-time grenades. It is a waste to throw one if the boss immediately walks away. DOH! :-)


Are you a Hunter?

by CommandrCleavage @, USA-Midwest, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 09:03 (3523 days ago) @ scarab


Weekly Strike???

by DEEP_NNN, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 09:32 (3523 days ago) @ Cody Miller

First I heard of it.


Weekly Strike???

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 09:46 (3523 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN

Unlocks at level 20. Refer here: http://destiny.bungie.org/forum/index.php?id=34821

Weekly Strike???

by DEEP_NNN, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 11:11 (3523 days ago) @ JDQuackers


How to beat this week's strike

by urk, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 09:42 (3523 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Vanish is pretty great for relatively safe team revival runs, as well!


How to beat this week's strike

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 12:47 (3523 days ago) @ urk

Vanish is pretty great for relatively safe team revival runs, as well!

Truf. Hunter is so OP.

How to beat this week's strike

by DerekT07, Tennessee, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 12:40 (3523 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I failed pretty hard the first time I tried this. I was level 22, and my partners were each level 20. I wouldn't even try it at level 22. Be more like 23/24.

Things to note:

1. You do not revive automatically, a team mate MUST revive you.
2. Arc damage is more powerful ( you can take maybe 4-5 hits from a fallen before dying).

Things you need:

1. Ammo Packs for heavy / secondary
2. Arc damage HMGs, Snipers, and fusion rifles.

If you are a titan, switching to defender is helpful since you can place a ward of dawn with blessing light around an ally's ghost to stay safe while reviving them.

If you are a hunter, choose blade dancer only if you have hungering blade and vanish. Otherwise you will die when using your super.

The toughest room is the room with the lasers. If you stay back into the cave area and take out any fallen snipers first, then the captains, it's much easier. Ideally you'll have an arc sniper or a scout rifle. You should always let the Hive and Fallen duke it out to thin them out. The Devil Walker and Sepkis Prime are about the same, but you just need to pay much more attention to the regular enemy spawns. Definitely take out the little gun on top of the devil walker. Maybe have someone dedicated to that. Arc damage HMGs work great on those bosses.

Hmm, can anyone confirm if enemies scale to number of players? I just beat this on my own with my level 22 warlock. Took me about 50 minutes, and my two deaths came by swarms of shanks whilst fighting Sepiks Prime. Didn't have any arc damage weapons either.


How to beat this week's strike

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 12:45 (3523 days ago) @ DerekT07

Hmm, can anyone confirm if enemies scale to number of players? I just beat this on my own with my level 22 warlock. Took me about 50 minutes, and my two deaths came by swarms of shanks whilst fighting Sepiks Prime. Didn't have any arc damage weapons either.

Either we are talking about two different strikes, or I REALLY suck. To be clear, this is on the left side of the screen when you select objectives.

How to beat this week's strike

by DerekT07, Tennessee, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 14:58 (3523 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Hmm, can anyone confirm if enemies scale to number of players? I just beat this on my own with my level 22 warlock. Took me about 50 minutes, and my two deaths came by swarms of shanks whilst fighting Sepiks Prime. Didn't have any arc damage weapons either.

Either we are talking about two different strikes, or I REALLY suck. To be clear, this is on the left side of the screen when you select objectives.

Yeah, the weekly heroic strike, correct?
This one?


How to beat this week's strike

by Funkmon @, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 12:57 (3523 days ago) @ DerekT07

We should be friends and strike together. :|


How to beat this week's strike

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 13:14 (3523 days ago) @ Funkmon

We should be friends and strike together. :|

Ditto. Are you PS4?

How to beat this week's strike

by DerekT07, Tennessee, Thursday, September 11, 2014, 15:03 (3523 days ago) @ Cody Miller

We should be friends and strike together. :|

Ditto. Are you PS4?

Actually, I'm on XB1. Gamertag is the same as my username here. I know that doesn't help you as a PS4 user, but anyone who is on XB1 can feel free to add me (just send a message with it saying you're from DBO).

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