Let's Talk End Game (Destiny)

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 08:53 (3504 days ago)
edited by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 08:58

Destiny is a fun game, it's very enjoyable to play with your friends however we all know it has it's faults the story being the most talked about and discussed.

What I haven't seen yet is much talk about the problems with Destiny's End Game.

Once you hit LVL 28 you really have two more things you can do to progress your character. The first is gather Shards to get your light level from 28 to 29, and the second is to run the raid and try to get a set of gear so you can hit level 30.

While their is PVP, Dailies, Vanguard Missions and patrols by the time you hit level 28-29 they really become quite useless to do. At this point you pretty much have figured out your gear set you like, and your favorite weapons. Once you hit this point Legendaries really start to become useless to you other than breaking down for Shards. Unless you have what I refer to the Pokemon Mind set of gotta collect them all but this really isn't possible due to your limited storage space you have to share between 3 characters.

Right now I am to the point were the only thing that will really help me advance my character is raid gear however we are limited to only 1 raid a week per character. This limitation and my bad luck have caused me to make a second warlock to switch my gear so I have 2 chances a week to get raid gear, 4 if you run it on Hardmode. When the server reset this week I ran VOG twice and only got Shards/Energy for every loot drop on both characters besides a primary drop at the last boss which gave me a weapon I already had.

So now I have to wait for another week before the reset for another chance to run through hoping I get gear. While I don't have a problem with this I literarily have nothing to do. Strikes are useless for me because I don't even have the need to get any legendary gear to break down into shards. Bounty's are pointless as week cause l don't need shards or energy, and the nightfall is only useful for Strange Coins which I don't really need because I can only use one exotic gear and the one I have now is perfect for my character.

Now I'm sure one of the things I will hear in response to this is that you shouldn't have rushed through the game. Well the reason I rushed through was I was addicted Bungie did a great job with gameplay and I was hooked and just kept wanting to play. I don't count this as a negative I think "Not being able to put the game down" is something bungie would want.

However with the limited gear options, and the lack of Exotic Gear has made everything else useless so now I have went from hours on end of playing to the only reason to jump on my main is to run the raid when it resets, and once I get that gear I literally have no objective or goal.

For now I have made a Hunter. My third character that is past level 20 and am working to Max him out which should be done this weekend. Once this happens the game has nothing else to offer me to do besides PVP. The rest of the PVE is pointless and while others might disagree it does not change my opinion. Sure I can run strikes but they are a joke and not even challenging when you hit level 29. They become repetitive quickly as you start to know were the enemies are spawning, and they don't have any dynamic features that change it up what so ever. Every time you play a strike it will be exactly the same.

I expect to get flack from this post, and I believe that most of the people who will disagree have not hit the point I have but you will. The closer you get to the Max Level the quicker you run out of things to do.

Right now the only thing I have to look forward to is the Iron Banner. After this event I see the time I spend in destiny quickly becoming shorter and shorter to the point were I won't jump back in till the DLC drops and if the leaked content is a indication of what we will be getting it will be very hard for bungie to pull me away from Halo and Advance Warfare.

Don't get me wrong I love the game and have gotten my money out of it but right now I think with the current end game the game doesn't have any real longevity. Here is to hoping they are on the ball with the DLC.

For those that have started hitting the level caps what are your thoughts on the End Game of Destiny?


Let's Talk End Game

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 11:05 (3504 days ago) @ Injunfett

I expect to get flack from this post, and I believe that most of the people who will disagree have not hit the point I have but you will. The closer you get to the Max Level the quicker you run out of things to do.

No this is fine. There is nothing wrong with stepping away from a video game once you complete all the challenges. I don't still play Uncharted or Metal Gear Solid everyday. The fact that Bungie thought you would be playing Destiny everyday for long periods of time is itself insane.

I haven;t tired of PvP yet, so that is why I still play.

Let's Talk End Game

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 11:24 (3504 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I haven;t tired of PvP yet, so that is why I still play.

I'm not sure about other systems since I only play on 360 but the multiplayer really needs some work. I'm not talking about get mechanics as I actually find Destiny's PVP enjoyable. However I suffer from issues that seem to be poor netcode or something along those lines.

There seems to be a issue a were the server goes out of sync with what you are seeing on your screen. At first I thought it was my connection but it happens to all my friends. There are times when you will be fighting someone and the game skips forward and they are dead. It also seems to skip back and you will win a fight and than it will say you got killed by a Melee.

On top of this, this is the first game I have ever seen were someone lagging has a extreme advantage. Me and my friends now refer to it as the new standby. When they are lagging they will teleport around and you can just unload on them and you can't damage them. However I seen people doing this running with a shotty and they would always be the top person on there team.


Let's Talk End Game

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 11:37 (3504 days ago) @ Injunfett

There seems to be a issue a were the server goes out of sync with what you are seeing on your screen.

The host is always out of sync with what you are seeing on your screen. That's typical for FPS games; a notable exception is Halo coop, and even then, the direction that players are looking is not kept in sync except in CEA (which is why CEA feels worse than the others).

The question is always how out of sync something is.

Let's Talk End Game

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 11:55 (3504 days ago) @ uberfoop

There seems to be a issue a were the server goes out of sync with what you are seeing on your screen.

The host is always out of sync with what you are seeing on your screen. That's typical for FPS games; a notable exception is Halo coop, and even then, the direction that players are looking is not kept in sync except in CEA (which is why CEA feels worse than the others).

The question is always how out of sync something is.

Yes I know what your saying. I however am very well read when it comes to online gaming since I have had bad Internet for years. The reason I'm having a hard time describing the issues is it's something I have not seen before in a title. Let alone a "AAA" release. It's almost if the game is getting actions that occur out of order and than correcting itself.

As for the player lag, I call it the modern day Stand By because the only other game I have played were lag gives you a advantage is Halo 2. Most modern shooters lag negatively effects the user in Destiny it appears to be a advantage.

Like I said I don't know how this is on the rest of the systems but I know a few people who have the issues on 360.


Let's Talk End Game

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 12:03 (3504 days ago) @ Injunfett

The reason I'm having a hard time describing the issues is it's something I have not seen before in a title. Let alone a "AAA" release. It's almost if the game is getting actions that occur out of order and than correcting itself.

You said you saw people teleporting around, and damage not registering, or people dying at weird moments.

That sounds exactly like a lot of experiences I've had in Halo.

Let's Talk End Game

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 12:26 (3504 days ago) @ uberfoop

I have played every Halo game, as well as pretty much any shooter that has been released. I also use to do a lot of multiplayer testing for Activision when I use to be a tester. I can assure you what me and my friends are experiencing I have never seen in a game before. The closest thing to the player lagging issue was Halo 2 Standby but this in a reality is a poor comparison and that is only for the player lag.

I will be up at the studio live streaming our recap shows for the UMG Call of Duty tournament this weekend, after the show I will try to grab some footage. Like I said it's something I haven't seen in a first person shooter before so it's hard to explain through text.

Let's Talk End Game

by Monochron, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 12:14 (3504 days ago) @ Injunfett

Yes I know what your saying. I however am very well read when it comes to online gaming since I have had bad Internet for years.

If you have self-admitted "bad Internet", then that is likely your problem. I recently upgraded my up/down speeds and haven't noticed more lag in Destiny than in any other multiplayer game. I also play on 360.

Let's Talk End Game

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 12:16 (3504 days ago) @ Monochron

I had, my bad nothing wrong with my net anymore.


Let's Talk End Game

by RC ⌂, UK, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 13:10 (3504 days ago) @ Injunfett

It's almost if the game is getting actions that occur out of order and than correcting itself.

Yes, this is exactly what's happening.

Latency, slow transfers, packet loss - things can literally happen at the same time but it takes time to update everyone's boxes and resolve any ties.

The most frequent kind of network weirdness I've experienced in Destiny is were it takes a fraction of a second for other guardians to actually drop dead after I've done enough damage to them. I've started to get a feel for this and back-off around corners to protect myself from reprisals while waiting for the damage to kick in. Quite satisfying to see the enemy try to run around corners themselves, only to drop dead because I've already done enough damage to them :)

In general, I prefer Bungie's approach to networking their MP games rather than the 'skating on ice' and 'rubber banding' type weirdness you get with other architectures. Which always felt dis-empowering - like I was fighting the game itself rather than other players.

Let's Talk End Game

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 13:28 (3504 days ago) @ RC

It's almost if the game is getting actions that occur out of order and than correcting itself.

Yes, this is exactly what's happening.

Latency, slow transfers, packet loss - things can literally happen at the same time but it takes time to update everyone's boxes and resolve any ties.

The most frequent kind of network weirdness I've experienced in Destiny is were it takes a fraction of a second for other guardians to actually drop dead after I've done enough damage to them. I've started to get a feel for this and back-off around corners to protect myself from reprisals while waiting for the damage to kick in. Quite satisfying to see the enemy try to run around corners themselves, only to drop dead because I've already done enough damage to them :)

In general, I prefer Bungie's approach to networking their MP games rather than the 'skating on ice' and 'rubber banding' type weirdness you get with other architectures. Which always felt dis-empowering - like I was fighting the game itself rather than other players.

Yes! It's very noticeable for me when I get a multiple kill or when I use a fusion rifle. Now thatI know the maps better I've gotten very good at timing my shots and can pretty much get the drop on people when I push a corner I normally take them out with one burst, and if it's Rumble I can string them together and pull off two or three in a row. Sometimes I will kill two people and just drop dead and notice on the kill feed it will say I got punched by the first guy I killed and died from that but still got the second shot.

It's not the normal kill trading lag you get in something like BF4 or Halo for that matter. I really do enjoy the multiplayer and like I said I would really like to see this fixed via patch.


Let's Talk End Game

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 14:01 (3504 days ago) @ RC

In general, I prefer Bungie's approach to networking their MP games rather than the 'skating on ice' and 'rubber banding' type weirdness you get with other architectures. Which always felt dis-empowering - like I was fighting the game itself rather than other players.

From what I understand this is the cause of a lot of weirdness you get in Destiny. Most games tend to stick to the classic model: if you have a better Internet connection you'll have a better experience and an advantage over other players. The games with more complicated netcode make it so even if you have a mediocre connection you'll have a more enjoyable experience, but this can be frustrating because it can cause stuff like this.

I could be completely wrong on this, but that's what I've been told in the past.

Let's Talk End Game

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, October 03, 2014, 07:56 (3503 days ago) @ Xenos

As someone with a fantastic connection, that sounds like fun, but I realise America (and other parts of the world) dont gave the infrastructure we do in England. One of the few things we do better over here.

Hours logged

by Earendil, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 14:19 (3504 days ago) @ Cody Miller

No this is fine. There is nothing wrong with stepping away from a video game once you complete all the challenges. I don't still play Uncharted or Metal Gear Solid everyday. The fact that Bungie thought you would be playing Destiny everyday for long periods of time is itself insane.

That's a fact, aye? Bungie said you'd play long hours every single day? I play 1-2 hours a day and I feel like I'm devoting a large portion of my life to this game, and I only have one level 27 character. My *guess* would be that where you guys are at with PvE is fine and acceptable, because you've put an above average amount of time into the game. Many of us more average people have yet to get that far, so for us we can continue to come back to Destiny on a daily basis for an hour at a time, and can do so for a long time to come.

Cody and Injunfett, I'm curious how many hours you each have logged with Destiny so far?


Hours logged

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 14:21 (3504 days ago) @ Earendil

No this is fine. There is nothing wrong with stepping away from a video game once you complete all the challenges. I don't still play Uncharted or Metal Gear Solid everyday. The fact that Bungie thought you would be playing Destiny everyday for long periods of time is itself insane.

That's a fact, aye? Bungie said you'd play long hours every single day?

Sorry it was unclear, but that's not what I meant. Everyday OVER a long period of time. As in, everyday for months and months.

Cody and Injunfett, I'm curious how many hours you each have logged with Destiny so far?

About 96. Most were in the initial few days of non stop playing.

Hours logged

by Earendil, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 14:28 (3504 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I'm at 39 hours. So at this rate I should be able to get another month out of this game before I get bored with PvE, you know, assuming #CodyWasRight ;-)

Close to 5 Days a across 3 Characters.

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 19:13 (3504 days ago) @ Earendil

- No text -


Let's Talk End Game

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 11:12 (3504 days ago) @ Injunfett

The closer you get to the Max Level the quicker you run out of things to do.


The sooner the only thing encouraging gameplay is the gameplay, the better. If my playtime winds up falling off faster as a result, that's probably a good thing.

Should be nice when my account turns into a copy of Destiny without the player progression and loot systems.


Let's Talk End Game

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 11:23 (3504 days ago) @ Injunfett

Won't you need tons of shards and resources and stuff to level up your raid gear once you finally get it? You could be working on stockpiling those.

Let's Talk End Game

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 11:30 (3504 days ago) @ Speedracer513

Won't you need tons of shards and resources and stuff to level up your raid gear once you finally get it? You could be working on stockpiling those.

No not really I'm sitting on close to 40 now. I had 47 I spent last week to max out to 29. I only need like 20 more or so to max out when I get it. I have decent stock piles of materials to upgrade as well. With my luck I figure it will take at least 2 more weeks till I get gear so as long as I do my weekly's I'm fine.

Right now I am working on maxing my guns for The Iron Banner and getting really good at soccer.

Let's Talk End Game

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, October 03, 2014, 08:50 (3503 days ago) @ Injunfett

And Boy does maxing out your guns take forever. I've easily sunk 60,000 exp into my Doctor Nope, and I've still not unlocked my Stability upgrade, let alone the rest of the tree.

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