Checking in / still any interest in maps? (Fan Creations)
Hey guys, I haven't been around much lately.
I've been busy getting some projects done now that I have my Cintiq back from the repair center (Finally on the last page of Mayflower #2 today!), and when not doing that, I've been playing Destiny way too much.:)
I have been trying to keep the front page from being empty as best I can, but I'm not a very good news-aggregator (game journalism/popular gaming culture and I don't mix well I guess) and sometimes I also like to just disappear from the Internet for a few days. Submitting news through the fancy submit page or e-mail is currently the best way to let us know if you've got something hot and meaty for us... not sure that's the best metaphor, actually.
Haven't kept up with the forum at all as of late either. My brain is strange and it doesn't like to let things rest; it keeps turning things over and over until there's just a static buzz of irritation up there. If I read a rant about a movie, even if I feel completely opposite about it, it will still constantly and annoyingly pop up in my mind as I'm watching said movie and disrupt my enjoyment of it. Wasn't always this way, guess it's a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder - you don't just arrange things neatly on the coffee table, you try to rearrange your brain too, heh. Destiny's actually been acting as an escape from all that, so I'm not ready to wrap my head around the forum yet and possibly lose that. Just imagine I'm here saying a lot of positive things about the game and sharing fun stories from the Frontier like how satisfying it is to boost an Interceptor off a giant sand dune and onto a Praetorian's head, or to sit on Ragashingo's speeder bike and dance while he's in the menu completely ignorant to it.
But I DID do a quick search on my name to see if I missed anything important, like this forum thread about maps! It's closed now, but I wanted to ask if there was still interest?
I've been hesitant so far as a lot of Destiny's world are pretty intricate and back and forth, which would make the map more of a challenge. But I may actually have some time to work on such a thing in the near future. I was thinking more faded/fantasy-style map. I wouldn't describe every crate and dune, but I'd get the general area and orientation and fill it with all the important landmarks.
So are there any specific desires/wants/ for these maps, so I can slowly start putting my mind to it? Is it important to have all the separate areas of a planet together or would it be better to tackle the specific areas one at a time?
(GT: Gwath Gil if you're looking for long walks on the beach and good times in Destiny on 360 btw.)