
Kind of... (Gaming)

by Pyromancy @, discovering fire every week, Thursday, October 26, 2017, 23:08 (2386 days ago) @ breitzen
edited by Pyromancy, Thursday, October 26, 2017, 23:17

You can use Cortana through a headset. But if you're like me and don't want to say "hey Cortana" Everytime I want to pause my show, you still have to use Kinect.

I am really glad the IR blaster got implanted into the actual S and X box.

I never knew that the subsequent updated hardwares included an IR receiver in the system. That is a pretty cool and a very understandable plus understated addition. I'm totally ok with that feature even though it is something I will never take advantage of utilizing.
Reminds me about how I also did not know about the removal of the Optical out on the Slim[PS4-added link], which I learned about here on DBO from SpeedRacer or Kermit or somebody.
It is cool to learn these little 'under the radar' details.

On the other hand, in this age of in your face overly intrusive technology, I'm terribly glad that all the Kinect hardware was not integrated inside the Xbox system and that it was a completely optional, independent, & separate peripheral that was not required for basic system/software operation. I fear we will not be so lucky in the near future with whatever their next great idea might be, and instead it may be forced upon consumers with no alternative option.

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