
Why I've given up speedrunning (ALL MY OPINON) (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 21:21 (3750 days ago) @ kanbo

When Guitar Hero was young, the three of us got really into it. I think we were in 8th grade at the time, so just the idea of playing a guitar was a big deal for us. I enjoyed the game, but didn't treat it like a competition the same way they did. For the next 6 or 7 years, they poured countless hours into Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Buying all of the DLC, joining online score communities, modding their Playstations to add custom-charted songs, going to events, building bands at PAX from other online players so they could just kill in the competitions. One of the guys was, arguably, the best GH/RB guitar player in the state for a number of years, and their RB band stomped everyone else every year they competed at PAX and Sakuracon.

And imagine if they had spent that time learning to play a real guitar instead… Might they have been better off?

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