But the real question is... (Destiny)

by yakaman, Wednesday, May 07, 2014, 09:40 (3652 days ago) @ petetheduck

I already feel slighted, as an Xbox One owner, by how much Bungie is in bed with the PS4. I think we can all agree that PS4 exclusive on Bungie Day sends the wrong message to Bungie's Xbox fans that have been supporting them for over a decade.

Me, too. Can't help it. I know PS affiliation is a strategic choice, and that (perhaps) their hands are tied in what they are allowed to do at this point. I know that Mac people suffered before, and that this is definitely a first world problem.

I know that Dragon Age: Inquisition (another game coming out for all platforms) has not presented a bias in any direction. Wondering why Bungie made the business decision to affiliate, rather than the marketing decision to court PS owners harder.

I swear to god I'm not trying to whine. I'm trying to let Bungie know that while I understand courting to build up a new customer base, I would have a hard time resolving PS exclusives beyond some certain extent. To what extent? Not sure, but early and/or greater access to beta for PS only would be a bit insulting.

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