But the real question is... (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Wednesday, May 07, 2014, 10:48 (3652 days ago) @ Cody Miller

If it is Playstation only on Bungie Day, that will forever taint the day as a great betrayal.

I would never again enjoy a Bungie Day.

Heaven forbid Bungie gives preference to the more powerful of the next gen consoles. It's not like just anybody can go out and buy one. Nope, there's the Xbox club and PS club. No mixing allowed.

Actually, not just anybody CAN go out and buy one. Not everyone has disposable income to drop a grand on owning both next gen consoles.

I get where you are coming from man, but if it's really that important to you to play a week early, you should have gotten a PS4. Even before either console came out, Bungie made it clear the PS4 was going to be the best destiny experience. You had warning, and if you could afford an Xbox One, you could have gotten a PS4 instead. You are responsible for choosing to disregard what Bungie said.

I made the correct console decision for me, well aware of Bungie's intent. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to express my general dislike for their PS4 BFF attitude (which in itself is meaningless until exclusives become a factor) and (here's where exclusives become a factor) strong opinion that going PS4 exclusive on Bungie Day--the point of my original and subsequent posts--would make me very unhappy and I don't think I'd be alone in that.

You might as well be unhappy with Bungie's handling of the Reach and Halo 3 betas then. After all, I got to play a week before everybody else in both of those. Why did Bungie have a BFF attitude toward their "friends & family"? Did it being exclusive to them for a time make you unhappy then?

It interesting you are upset over this, and not the exclusive content which isn't cosmetic (exact details yet to be revealed) that the PS players get and the Xbox players don't.

Why do you continue to ignore that my post is talking about Bungie Day?

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