
Bit of a tangent re: choosing platform (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Wednesday, May 07, 2014, 12:26 (3652 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

If it is Playstation only on Bungie Day, that will forever taint the day as a great betrayal.

I would never again enjoy a Bungie Day.

Heaven forbid Bungie gives preference to the more powerful of the next gen consoles. It's not like just anybody can go out and buy one. Nope, there's the Xbox club and PS club. No mixing allowed.

Actually, not just anybody CAN go out and buy one. Not everyone has disposable income to drop a grand on owning both next gen consoles.

I think he means there's 'nothing' (more on this below) stopping you from grabbing a PS4 over a One? Not saying buy both, just grab whatever you think is the superior platform? I dunno.

I've got Titanfall on PC and 360 (first time I've ever double dipped) and let me tell you something I've learned. PC is awesome, and fun, but I don't really have any friends there (and the one that is isn't in my time zone). 360, while (affectionately) pretty rough looking and sounding next to the PC version, is still very much the same game, and all my friends are on LIVE.

I love my time on the PC, but I love the time I've had with my friends on 360. I guess you can get whatever console you want, but to a certain extent, you also can't.

This has very much informed my thoughts on Destiny - sure, I'd love to get a PC version, and was pretty hardcore about it, but I'm 95% sure I'll be grabbing it for XBOX One because that's what the friends are doing.

You have hit the dilemma squarely on the head. Bravo sir.

I usually don't care about graphics - with Destiny I am making the exception. I expect to be playing Destiny on this gen ( X1/PS4 ) for at least 5 years (presuming the length of last gen was the exception - not the rule). Its my go to - it is why I'll be getting a new console. What ever I choose I expect to be "locked" to so I might as well go for it as a factor. Yet - Destiny is about friends. Destiny is about playing together. Graphics don't matter.

I never been so conflicted on a purchase. >_<

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