Melodramatic much? (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, January 09, 2015, 19:47 (3400 days ago) @ Morpheus

What level are you guys? I don't mean to sound disparaging but those boomers really aren't so bad in my experience. Only the first person across has to deal with them alone, and that's when they're at their most dangerous, obviously. Unload your heavy into them and you should be fine though.

I'm also "plate capture guy" in my raid group, and have literally never been killed doing it. That may be because we always kill the gatekeepers though?

If the gatekeepers arent dead, your best bet is to just keep double-jumping to avoid them. Or better yet, take a minute to lure them near an edge and knock them off with Fist of Havoc, Arc Blade or Solar Grenades.

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