
On top of this (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, January 12, 2015, 08:10 (3401 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I think it would be a positive change to Destiny would be for Exotics to be acquired similarly to Husk of the Pit.

- Have a guaranteed base item drop somewhere in the world. Maybe hidden in Patrol, or as a drop from a Patrol mini-boss, or maybe integrated into a public event. Maybe it's hidden in a Strike or story mission. Fill Destiny's sometimes barren, empty world with these items.

- Once the base item has been acquired, the long grind begins. Using Husk of the Pit mechanics combined with Exotic bounty concepts, you've got to use a weak weapon, upgrade it through various tasks. It should take a significant amount of time, but the end result is an Exotic you've earned, rather than RNG'd. It'd be like a new mission--a whole new arc of content for players to enjoy. Each Exotic weapon could be like it's own little story sequence.

I think the Husk of the pit Upgrade path is very cool, and I'd like to see more exotics earned in a similar way...


Most of the exotics in Destiny aren't worth that much work. Gjallarhorn or Icebreaker? Sure. But can you imagine going through all those steps, grinding all that XP and materials, only to end up with Universal Remote or No Land Beyond? I've been working on an article about this (should be out soon) but I think Destiny's current batch of exotic weapons is pretty flawed. Most aren't worth using as it is. Now if we got more Husk of the Pit style sequences that lead to truly worthwhile weapons, that would be fantastic.

The starter weapon should be fun to use. I found it very arduous using Husk of the Pit, which I was only using because it was the only way to rank it up. All bark and no bite makes for a dull gun.

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