
More of the story, then... (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Wednesday, April 08, 2015, 14:30 (3308 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

After a quick first run through the raid with a 5-man team, we decided to run it again without any deaths - why not, right? We had a death on the drop into the abyss that forced a return to orbit and a reset, but after landing back on the moon we made great time and had no significant issues until we reached Crota. After two good downs on Crota with the first sword, we were starting to feel pretty good. We downed him a third time and Crota had just a sliver of health left. We'd just downed him the fourth time to strike the final blows when... "Squidnh3 has joined your fireteam." D'oh!

Anyone know how to set a fireteam to private on the XBone? :)

Zero completed the kill and I took us to orbit as fast as possible, but there was no joy in Mudville that night.

After properly lamenting our tragic tale, we decided to do it again - this time with Squid filling out the 6th spot on the team. Twenty Seven minutes later, and Crota died again with no Guardians down. There was much rejoicing, but still no achievement.

Yes, we reset and dropped in fresh from orbit.

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