More choices within the map = more variety (Destiny)

by Fuertisimo, Thursday, April 16, 2015, 04:15 (3317 days ago) @ Ragashingo

You have plenty of choice before the game starts to choose your weapon, so to speak, but once the game starts you're limited to the three guns you brought with you.

Using a different system, a wider variety of guns is available to use within a given match. For example, you could have a starting weapon and 8 different other weapons strewn about the map for a total of 9.

I think that's pretty clear yes? I realize you see the pre-match choices as being more varied than the in-game choices that my scenario would provide, but for me it provides you with a wider variety of options once the game starts, rather than limiting you to what you brought.

You might face other players with a variety of weapons, but for yourself, what you use, that does not deviate from the 3 weapons you brought with you.

If you could pick up a dead players weapon, then that would be different, and also an interesting idea all on its own.

I see that you disagree, but I've never found the idea of a small amount of fixed weapons, or the idea of same gear across single and multiplayer to be terribly compelling.

As for balance, that's going to be an ongoing struggle. League of Legends has been rolling for almost 6 years now and they still struggle to balance the game. Using my method that wouldn't be an issue, but again, I'm sure some people are less bothered by it than others.

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