
Open world PVP (Destiny)

by Durandal, Thursday, April 16, 2015, 14:03 (3316 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

This was an issue in Red Dead Revolver. People would tee up with a sniper outside common spawn areas and snipe players as they rode in and out of town. Sniper rifles didn't have any indicator to show you were being targeted, so it was easy to hide in the brush and fire away without retribution.

In WoW, you had to take a more personal approach but I used to run into cloaked rogues hiding in the more common areas all the time, and you were pretty much toast when they could pop all their cool downs to kill you. There was no Fist of Panic equivalent to save you.

In the open world, players would have ample opportunities to charge supers and get heavy ammo. It would not be some sort of even contest.

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