
Two game modes (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, April 16, 2015, 14:38 (3317 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Stalker Mode:

It's a PvP playlist that spawns each player in a different sector of a world. These players have only one life, and their goal is to find and kill the other players. AI enemies spawn and behave as normal. Players can access their ghost and, after a brief time (5 seconds) get an indicator as to which direction the enemy players are in.


Assassin mode:

You get assigned a guardian at random. You are more likely to be matched with this guardian. You may shoot the guardian who you have, and that guardian may shoot you (though he doesn't know it's you). In the tower, you can both melee. If you kill the guardian who is after you, you then acquire their target. If they kill you, the person who was tracking them is now tracking you. This mode would have a season and last for 1 month at a time or until a winner was found. It would persist through all other activities.

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