Thanks for posting this. Great interview. (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Thursday, June 18, 2015, 13:13 (3253 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I LOVE the way Luke handled this segment. Jeff has a tendency to speak very loud and authoritatively in a way that can sometimes railroad the conversation, but Luke did a fantastic job of addressing his questions and concerns while still turning the conversation around in constructive ways. He really is great at both sides of an interview. Some nice moments of genuine transparency as well.

Luke gave the perspective of someone who's approaching Destiny with somewhat Fresh eyes. I guess from his role in the Raid, which was so segmented off, he's leading the Taken King with out all the baggage of the decisions that didn't work.

On the downside... It sounds like the dreadnaught is the only major destination :(. I was hoping we'd get two new patrol areas, since it sounds like they are using them interesting ways.

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