
Advice from a (sort of ex) hoarder (long) (Destiny)

by nico, Friday, January 08, 2016, 16:28 (3337 days ago) @ unoudid

I try and keep around 10 slots open on my vault in weapons and armor.

Nevertheless, I'm very much of a sentimental person when it comes to gear: memories get attached to the pixels, so the pixels have value.

Here are some of the questions I ask myself when deciding to keep or shard an item:

1. Is it easily replaceable?

I keep:

Many (but not all) VoG and Crota raid weapons, almost all elemental primaries. (One of each.)

Some Y1 Iron Banner weapons. (Dumped my Radagast Furies, but too many good times were had with Timur's Lash, Efreedet Spear, etc.) Some hard decisions need to be made occasionally here. If you have a LOT of stuff, one of the things you can ask yourself is "will I ever have a specialized need for this?") Remember the dude who soloed Oryx? He used a Corrective Measure at first to clear the adds because it has Surplus. Not many heavies have Surplus, which is a cool perk because once you kill a critter with the Surplus perk, that ammo drop will have the additional ammo, even if you switch out your CM.

The starting class items (white cloak, bond, mark.)

Nostalgic armor pieces are where tough calls need to be made. I have a full set of VoG armor for the hunter, but neither Titan nor Warlock had a full set, so away those pieces went. I don't like the way Crota stuff looks, so that all went away. I find it useful to focus on one character in terms of who gets vault space. I would love to have a full IB set, and Crota set etc for my characters, but that builds up fast. You gotta murder your darlings.

All Y1 exotic weapons have been sharded (since easily replaced) with a few exceptions: Gallie, Thorn, Ice Breaker, Vex.

All Y1 exotic armor has been sharded with 1-2 exceptions, mainly the hunter gloves that give you invisibility on crouching, and the Bones of Eao. (The latter I keep because of functionality: they have a "heavy weapon" mod, and I only use them for jumping puzzles.) Most of the useful Titan / Lock Y1 exotic armor exists in Y2, or can be repurchased.)

Unless I know I might be using them a lot, most 290 exotics get sharded. Things like the Bolean Gemini, Hereafter, etc.

Exception: the class-specific gunsmith legendaries are all kept, Stillpiercer, Immobius, and the lock one. I don't think it's possible to replace those.

2. Is it better than what I currently have?

Let's say I get a Hacksaw drop. (This applies to any legendary weapon):

Am I so wowed by the perks that I want to immediately start using it?

Is it equivalent or worse than the vendor one, which I can get pretty easily?

Can it be used as infusion fodder, and how many of this item type do I own / need dedicated to infusion?

3. Will I ever use it in the future?

This is where it gets tricky. One question to ask yourself is, what are your favorite weapon types? From my perspective, the list goes (primaries) Hand Cannons, Pulse, Scout, AR. Secondaries: Snipes, Shotties, Fusions, Sides.

As a result, I think I have one legendary AR (the new IB one), a dozen HCs, half a dozen Scouts and PRs. A median roll on a weapon you'll never use should either be infusion fodder, or sharded.

4. Can I use it now?

One method that's helped me is to immediately start using a questionable weapon on an alt -- whether it be on patrols, crucible, whatever. Level it up, see if you connect with it. This has allowed me to clear out a lot of "hmm, I'll have to check it out sometime" weapons

5. Which legendary boots, gloves, and chests?
For a while, I had a LOT of legendary boots and chest pieces, until I was able to boil it down to the necessities:

For boots, I keep:

One set of boots with MG ammo
One set of boots with RL ammo

I also like to have access to Sniper / Shotgun / Fusion (for the exotic) ammo, so on some characters, I have three pair, i.e. RL/Fusion, MG/Snipe, and Doesn't Matter/Shot.

Everything else can be sharded. When comparing similar boots, you can always look at the stats (INT/DIS/STR) and aesthetics to pick a winner.

For chests, it's a little easier, I like to keep

One chest with Sniper ammo, and my preferred elemental sub-class armor.
One chest with Shottie ammo (for crucible).

If you're an HC user in PVE, then you might want a Hand Cannon chest piece.

Another consideration is looks, of course!

Hope this helps!

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