
AM I DUMB? King's Fall challenges and other mysteries. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Monday, January 11, 2016, 19:40 (3319 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by Funkmon, Monday, January 11, 2016, 19:46

It says in the game, IIRC. Could be wrong. That said, you'll never have to look.

This week is Oryx. End at reset. Next week is Warpriest. Next week is Golgoroth. Next week is Oryx. Next week is Warpriest. And so on.

Same challenge every time it's on a particular segment. The challenge is only active on one segment of the raid at a time. All players entering raid are automatically doing the challenge. A challenge fail but stage win, that is, if you beat the boss but don't do it the challenge way, nets you normal loot.

EDIT: Turns out position 2 is really easy for the Oryx fight, so even under leveled you should be able to do it. However, you're guaranteed some bomb ass armor for golgoroth, so just run that a couple times.

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