
Why Resistance =/= Republic (Off-Topic)

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Thursday, February 11, 2016, 15:10 (3053 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

There is a sort of peace treaty between the Republic and the First Order. They even have a Neutral Zone, much like the Klingons and the Federation. As such, Republic troops are discouraged from entering such zone, lest it starts another war.

On top of that, the First Order has corrupted several senators to the point the troops are severely restricted in their scouting missions. Poe Dameron is sick of this bullshit and oversteps the limits imposed by his commander a bit and stumbles upon a First Order fleet. Upon reporting to his superiors, he is immediately grounded/chided (don't remember how strong the chiding was, to be honest), but a Resistance officer approaches him and he gets to volunteer for the cause.

Poe's first mission is stealing a senator's yacht to expose his First Order meetings and bribes, which almost goes south in a way that shows the First Order is a real, concrete menace. Still, the Senate stalls in investigation. Then Leia sends Poe to retrieve the chip in the movie.

So, basically, the Resistance is a rogue cell of the Republic's fleet, bent on exposing the corruption in the Senate and preparing for defense against the First Order when they eventually strike. Unfortunately for everyone, it still had way too little logistical and moral support within the Senate to be anywhere near as effective as it should by the time the First Order struck. Luckily, they had Finn and Han to sabotage the hell out of everything.

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