
Why Resistance =/= Republic (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, February 11, 2016, 16:41 (3053 days ago) @ ZackDark

I just sort of imagined that the First Order is a bit like the Imperial Remnant from the old EU. They new Republic wasn't actively engaged in conflict with them at first. They had their own sector of the galaxy and both factions at least put on a public face of being indifferent towards each other.

I thought the First Order had a similar relationship. They're out there doing their own thing, and the new Republic is content to ignore them as long as they're not causing trouble. At least that's their "official" PR stance.

Secretly, the Republic is funding the Resistance under the table because they don't want the First Order around.

EDIT: Where did you get all that info you posted? I picked up The Force Awakens novelization the other day; I've heard it fills in some of the gaps pretty well.

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