
TIL what apologist means . . . (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, February 18, 2016, 22:52 (3026 days ago) @ Avateur

I would just like to let you know that I wasn't referring to you at all with that post. Your post came shortly after mine, we had a nice discussion, and that could have been it. Instead, Korny became the hero we all need and deserve. And Vagueness still doesn't understand sarcasm or irony. But aside from that, we're all good, and I appreciated your replies.

Oh no worries!

I know reading tone on the internet is hard, and it's easy to interpret everything in the worst possible way. This forum is basically the only place where I don't instinctively do that and I give people the benefit of the doubt. If something can be taken in a playful-sarcastic light or a bitchy-sarcastic light, I assume the former on this forum. It's served me well enough so far.


It wouldn't have been the first time I've been called a 343i apologist, so even if you were referring to me, it wouldn't have bothered me. It just doesn't mean what I thought! /:

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