
Amen! #stinkingmillennials ;-), also Bungie, Please. (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, February 19, 2016, 14:05 (3040 days ago) @ Funkmon

I don't know if I like the put on a show once a week thing. I prefer reading things so I can go at my own pace. Hopefully nothing that would be talked about in text will be put on video without the writing there. I hate that. It's why I read the paper and don't watch the news. I also don't like streams. Spend time editing, kthx.

If it's all extra stuff, then it sounds amazing. If it's a *change*, I'm worried. Right now it seems like it's all extra, but I've seen too many sites go all video for me to not be wary.

Actually, I don't blame millennials, I blame youtube & friends. It's just too easy to post an unedited video full of rambling babble, and no, adding 'bling', music, or an intro/outro does not count as editing.

Well edited video is great for some things (showing how to do something: repairing a car, titan skate tutorial, etc.), but it's not very good at lots of things, and live video is the worst. People don't take enough (any?) time beforehand to organize their thoughts into a coherent outline, and you certainly can't edit it as you go along like you can while writing text. Also, if you're going to consume video content you pretty much have to take time to watch the whole thing. You can't skim video effectively.

Anyway, I welcome more ride-alongs. That type of thing is great for video. Bungie, please keep big announcements in text or trailer format. Video followups to actually SHOW us are fine, but don't make me watch 3 hours of someone screaming in a panic, or an hour of someone giving away the ghost locations and being a general dweeb to find out what content is coming.

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