
So I guess I'm the token dissenter . . . (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Friday, February 19, 2016, 18:18 (3040 days ago) @ Funkmon

I quite enjoy reading, too. But I rarely read the Weekly Update. I just generally don't care about most of it most of the time. I skim scroll through it and skim it, but I haven't read one in its entirety since before TTK dropped.

However, I consume video content (Giant Bomb, Angry Centaur Gaming, etc) and podcasts like crazy (I'm lucky enough to have a job in which I can have an earbud in all day, so I listen to about six hours worth of podcasts every day).

If they can deliver all the info and tangential info from a Weekly Update in a video form, I'd probably actually know all of that info, rather than just skimming through it. I probably still wouldn't actually care, but if they can present information in another format and extend their reach (and make it entertaining!), that's nothing but a good thing.

I certainly hope it doesn't mean the Weekly Update will be neglected for those of you that actually read it, but it doesn't sound like that's going to be the case.

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