
Yup (Destiny)
I think it's 'a thing', especially for fireteams that haven't played together. When King's Fall was new, Golgoroth was the barrier to success. With low-light teams, everyone had to pull their weight to down him in time (especially when running multiple orbs where there was more communication required and literally more balls in the air to juggle). These days Golgoroth is pretty straightforward - light levels are high so the damage gets done even if one or two players are slacking or dead, and the single-orb strategy reduces complexity to just two different roles/steps.
While Golgoroth got easier, the Warpriest still requires the same level of communication and team integration that it always had. Higher light levels make it easier to drop him during the second DPS phase when everything is working, but there are still a lot of moving parts and not much room for any goofing off or missteps.
One or two weeks ago there was an ad-hoc Raid from hell on the XBox that collapsed at the Warpriest. There was no common cause, we just never clicked. It seems like we must have failed it 20 times. Surviving "ogre face" adepts, aura failures (missed kills, double and triple kills), misplaced titan bubbles, miscommunications, missed sequences, guardian deaths... we probably tried every possible way to fail.
All that being said, when you've got a team that meshes well, the Warpriest falls quickly. This week's Wednesday night run on the XBox completed the Warpriest challenge 3 times in 4 attempts, and the wipe was just the regular sort of cascading failure after an early death (and even then we almost had him with two men down).
Complete thread:
- So about the Warpriest, ProbablyLast ... -
2016-02-29, 18:25
- Yup -
2016-02-29, 20:55
- Everyone should learn to hold the Aura, though -
2016-02-29, 21:10
- Everyone should learn to hold the Aura, though - Kermit, 2016-02-29, 21:19
- About The Auras -
2016-03-02, 02:53
- Hunters' Smoke Bombs work for that too
- ZackDark, 2016-03-02, 03:11
- About that right side -
2016-03-02, 16:19
- About that right side -
2016-03-02, 16:38
- Weirdly, Ive always found middle easiest
- someotherguy, 2016-03-02, 16:53
- Ditto.
- CyberKN, 2016-03-02, 16:58
- Weirdly, Ive always found middle easiest -
2016-03-02, 17:40
- Weirdly, Ive always found middle easiest - someotherguy, 2016-03-03, 16:50
- Ditto.
- Weirdly, Ive always found middle easiest
- About that right side -
2016-03-02, 19:09
- Excellent idea!
- Kermit, 2016-03-02, 20:55
- Excellent idea!
- About that right side -
2016-03-02, 16:38
- Hunters' Smoke Bombs work for that too
- Everyone should learn to hold the Aura, though -
2016-02-29, 21:10
- Clarification - ProbablyLast, 2016-02-29, 21:01
- Yup -
2016-02-29, 20:55