
Does anyone here use Roku or AppleTV or other streaming box? (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 10, 2016, 22:19 (3025 days ago)

My parents have expressed unhappiness with their cable bill (who isn't unhappy with that?). They're viewing habits don't really warrant actually having cable. I've been trying to talk them into giving Roku or Apple TV a try.

I've never used either, so I'm looking for opinions. The Roku seems like a solid choice from what I can tell.

And related to this, does anyone have any experience with the big broadcast channels' apps? My dad will be find with a Roku, I'm sure, but my Mom likes to watch all the current NBC and CBS primetime dramas, and I'm not sure how available new shows are on their apps.

I think ultimately I might just end up spending the $40 on a Roku stick and make them spend a week testing it out and seeing if it'll fit their needs, but opinions are always nice.

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