We don't know what we don't know, but I do. (Destiny)

by Matt, Friday, April 08, 2016, 14:00 (3245 days ago) @ Kermit

While I think everyone now can see it was false, I remember PLENTY of people saying Seropian left on bad terms because Halo was a doomed project.

I don't really remember much of this.

It was a core belief of the Halo 2 Sucks Brigade. Microsoft demanded Halo 2 be crappy so they could sell more copies to soccer moms and other filthy casuals, Bungie meekly acquiesced because they were all stupid and incompetent — except for Alex and a handful of old-timers, who walked and took the precious Halo 1 Physics with them.

I'm not sure how much of that bled into the Halo community as a whole, but a number of those tools emailed Wideload to offer their support — until they discovered we weren't making a new space marine franchise and lost interest.

Reading their fever-dream versions of reality (wherein Alex coded most of the Halo engine himself, and founded Wideload out of sheer spite) was always entertaining in a ha-ha-look-at-the-insane-conspiracy-theorist way.

– Matt

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