
So I leveled my alts for the giggles... Let's talk supers. (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, May 16, 2016, 12:11 (3207 days ago) @ CyberKN

and at least a longer duration in PvP if not additional shots.


If anything, they need to cut the duration in half.

I assume you think Sunbreaker needs to be nerfed as well then? Most Hunters get 2 kills before everyone runs for cover and you can't find a third target, and if you're really unlucky you only get one target before everyone runs. I've only rarely gotten less than 3 kills with a Sunbreaker because it lasts so dang long. The extra zoom is also appreciated in Trials where so many people snipe.

I really need to try the hunter out because I've never seen a problem with them getting kills. I say this a lot, but whatever, I probably suck at sunbreaker but I rarely ever see 3 people to even shoot at let alone kill with my ultimate. And the people I do see are either ace snipers who one shot me or a firing line.

Personally I think supers are meant to get around 2-3 kills. Any more than that and you just got lucky.

Yes. There's an huge disparity between "roaming" supers and the one-time-use ones. Either give every subclass one of each, or do something to better bring them in line with each other.

Are you saying this against or for Hunters? Because technically Hunters have 3 duration supers. I'm kinda fudging void hunter because it only counts when it's the 3 shot bow. But regardless, when it comes to duration ults it goes:

Hunters: 3 (all three)
Warlocks: 2 (Solar, Arc)
Titans: 1 (Solar)

I guess you could also argue that the bubble is also a duration ultimate, but it's also stationary so... Yeah.

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