
Questions (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, May 30, 2016, 12:25 (3192 days ago) @ Raflection

What do you feel is the biggest improvement running bumper jumper?

The biggest improvement is that I'm able to jump while still aiming right at my desired target. Close second: I am *much* more nimble in the air now as I can easily turn my field of view while jumping.

What's the biggest hinderence?

I dislike having grenade and melee on the same side of the controller. Also, there's no controller layout that has jump on one the bumper and crouch on the other bumper, which I'd like more. The whole point is that I can move while aiming, but then if I want to crouch (or shadestep) I can't aim at the same time.

What is the hardest thing to learn or un-learn to do?

I sometimes panic and press X to jump which both doesn't jump because it's not jump and, I have discovered, wastes my melee attack because apparently pressing the super button when your super isn't up melees instead (which makes no sense).

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