
THAB 06/09/16: RoI and Legacy Consoles One time rollover? (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, June 10, 2016, 17:48 (3030 days ago) @ dogcow

I wonder how this will work if you already have characters on next gen. If I continue to play on last-gen, I wonder what will happen to my next-gen characters when I import my last gen characters.

I think they'll be in 2 separate 'universes'. Basically you wont be able to import and sync with each other.

From CyberKN's post:

As legacy generation Guardians adapt to current platforms after August, there will be functionality in place to enable them to port their characters to the new console - in the same family.

I assume there will just be a big button in your character profile on bungie.net that says "Export/Copy this 360 guardian to Xbone", if you have an open slot on the latter.

I would guess they will have a 1 time copy of all characters from old-gen to new-gen, after that they're two distinct universes.

CyberKN assumes you have to have a slot available. I'm not making that assumption in my question.

Ah, yes, ok.

The graphic shows that as of Aug your characters fork, yet in the text it says there will be functionality in place to port characters to the new platform. I bet it will work like this:

The first time you play the expansion your characters will fork; you'll have one set for old-gen & one set for new-gen.

That way both the graphic and the statement's intentions can both be truth (in a way). At least that's my prediction. If I were in charge of coding this feature I'd seriously consider the fork-on-1st-play-of-expansion solution.


  • players can still play their old & new gen characters.
  • storage requirements for guardians isn't instantly doubled.
  • conversion/upgrade can be done lazily when it's needed and not require downtime for a batch process to run for all guardians at once.

My question really has nothing to do with how two sets of characters are maintained I bet you're right about how that's done.

I'm interested the moment of importing in a particular scenario. I continue to play on two platforms, as I have friends on both. On the 360, I finally get that drop I've always wanted. At a time in the future, I decide my 360 Destiny days are over, and I import my 360 characters (assuming I can). What happens? Do I lose anything? If there is a merge process, what is it? <--That's my question.

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