
THAB 06/09/16: RoI and Legacy Consoles One time rollover? (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, June 10, 2016, 17:57 (3030 days ago) @ Kermit

My question really has nothing to do with how two sets of characters are maintained I bet you're right about how that's done.

I'm interested the moment of importing in a particular scenario. I continue to play on two platforms, as I have friends on both. On the 360, I finally get that drop I've always wanted. At a time in the future, I decide my 360 Destiny days are over, and I import my 360 characters (assuming I can). What happens? Do I lose anything? If there is a merge process, what is it? <--That's my question.

We totally need to know more about how Bungie will be doing this. I expect they'll give more details in the future. My guess? Once you play the expansion you're characters are split, never to meet again, and that awesome 360 drop will be stuck on the 360.

Edit: :(

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