
Destiny: Current Gen Vs. Next Gen

by Pfhrogblast, Finland, Friday, June 28, 2013, 14:15 (4177 days ago) @ Xenos

Fun fact:

The first two crash bandicoot games for the Playstation 1 (which had 2MB of RAM) had draw distances of only a couple hundred meters. Crash 3, which also came out for the playstation, increased that to about 6 kilometers.

So like, with 8GB of RAM the draw distance could be 24000 kilometers using Naughty Dog technology circa 1998 :-p Bet they want Max back now!

Yeah I have heard about that with Crash 3. The other factor of course is what they are occluding. If you make a simple enough looking game you can have a ridiculously large draw distance. Basically what Bungie is doing with Destiny is on par with what Naughty Dog did with Crash 3. It may not be unprecedented but it's still impressive. Especially when you compare it to what other games have done on 360.

Ooh, ooh! Crash Bandicoot! I know something interesting about that!
With the first game at least, the camera was always on a predetermined track so Naughty Dog actually pre-calculated all the occlusion information and the game just read it off the disc. According to an anecdote, a single playthrough of that game uses up all the disc reads a PSOne's CD-drive is actually rated for :P

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