
HC's are borderline unusable in PvP with the range nerf... (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Friday, June 17, 2016, 05:31 (3024 days ago)

So, I did some crucible tonight with DogCow and was playing around with the Vanity and Finnala's Peril.

The Vanity... It's by far the best overall HC I've got on paper and yet I can't seem to do anything with it. We were playing inferno clash on the cauldron. I was standing up on the platform by the outside heavy, towards the door. There was a guy sniping, looking up the stairs, close to the far wall. He wasn't against it, but about in the spawn location there at the bottom of the stairs.

I took slow, careful aim with my vanity, and fired. Miss. Again. Miss. Again... Miss. Again...! 22 damage body shot.

The whole time he was standing there and I didn't rapid fire anything -- I let my reticle settle because nobody else was around. The first shot I lined up with the guy's neck and let it sit there (he didn't move throughout the first 3 shots, he moved on the 4th because it hit him). I really wish I had thought to save a video clip -- it was insanely unproductive.

I've used finnala's peril quite a lot in PvP, it's my go-to gun and has been since early in TTK. I am doing noticeably less damage with it at range. On the order of magnitude of 15-20 damage less per headshot and about 10 damage less per body shot. That puts it as needing another bullet in many mid-range cases to finish someone off. I think we will see less HC's floating around without a long range secondary to support them.

So I'm in the market for a primary that has good damage at mid-range and doesn't suck close range. I'm thinking a pulse, but the TTK seems rough for those now. Any suggestions?

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